Wrong addition Manareg Bonus

Data Accuracy issues

Wrong addition Manareg Bonus

Postby Nenaisu » Fri Sep 01, 2006 4:00 am


first of all sorry for my bad english. Most of my problems I could work out with reading trough the old forum but this time I found nothing to aid me and so I'm asking for help and hope this is the right place :)

In Charakter Stats under the equipment of the Char there is a field where the additional Bonis are added. In the German Version the Bonis for Manareg are totaly wrong.

Here the Problem:

in the english client "restores 5 mana every 4 second"
in German client " Stellt alle 4 Sekunden 5 Mana wieder her"

as you see the values of mana and time are interchanged.

in our Roster the Manareg add the time not the manareg:

Example my Mainchar on our Roster: http://www.die-triade.de/wowroster/char ... =Blackhand

every 10 sec. 3 mana instead of every 5 sec. 6 mana

Further the entchant Bracers - Manareg will not be added.

I'm know nothing about PHP Coding and came to hosting the roster by accident and try my best :) I hope you understand the meaning of this post. If there is no solution for this problem jut say it and save me a lot of further searching. If there is indeed a solution please specify were I have to change the code and in which way.

Many thanks for your help in advance.
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Re: Wrong addition Manareg Bonus

Postby Haqim » Thu Sep 28, 2006 3:11 am

Well this Thread is quite old already. But since I had the same problem today and couldn't find any fix for this problem, I thought I'll post this.
After I digged a bit into the code I saw that the main problem is that in the German Version of the game the numbers are in switched order compared to the Englisch game. Since the part of the code which reads the stats takes the first number as bonus, it always "thinks" the 5 of "Stellt alle 5 Sek. XX Mana .." is the actual bonus.

I changed the "getStartofModifierMana" function in the File "lib/char.php" to the following. Basically it now takes the second value if there is one. Guess there should be an "if" for the Language string in a life version, because this version won't work now for the English version. But this is only a quick and dirty fix for our Roster :mrgreen:

Code: Select all
function getStartofModifierMana$aString)
$startpos 0;
        while ( (
is_numeric($aString[$startpos])==FALSE) and ($startpos <> strlen($aString)) ){
$startpos ++;
$length 0;

        while (
is_numeric($aString[$startpos+$length])) {
$startpos2 $startpos+$length;

        while ( (
is_numeric($aString[$startpos2])==FALSE) and ($startpos2 <> strlen($aString)) ){
$startpos2 ++;
        if ((
$startpos2 > ($startpos+$length)) and ($startpos2 <> strlen($aString))) {
        } else {
Last edited by Haqim on Thu Sep 28, 2006 10:21 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Wrong addition Manareg Bonus

Postby Nenaisu » Tue Oct 03, 2006 4:12 pm


Thanks a lot, I give it a try and make my guildmates happy with it.
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