Help:Interwiki linking

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Revision as of 12:38, 22 March 2007
Important note: When you edit this page, you agree to release your contribution into the public domain. If you don't want this or can't do this because of license restrictions, please don't edit. See Help:Contents for an overview of all pages.

Interwiki links are links to pages of other projects, using a prefixed internal link style.

Interwiki links make it possible, to link to pages of (e.g.) Wikipedia, Wikibooks, Wikinews etc. or to your wiki-project in different languages (see Manual:Wiki family).

A link like [[Wikipedia:Main Page]] will appear like this: Wikipedia:Main Page and redirect you to Wikipedia's Main Page.

For setting up interwiki links, you might need to edit the Database.


Interwiki links to other projects


Several Wikimedia-Projects (and others) are ready for interwiki linking by default, so you can use them without editing your database. However, the mother of all Wikimedia-projects — the Wikipedia itself — is for some reason missing.

prefix direction usage example
commons [[commons:MediaWiki]]
mediazilla [[mediazilla:1209]]
meta [[meta:Main Page]]
mw [[mw:Help:Contents]]
wikibooks [[wikibooks:Main Page]]
wikimedia [[wikimedia:Main Page]]
wikinews [[wikinews:Main Page]]
wikiquote [[wikiquote:Main Page]]
wikisource [[wikisource:Main Page]]
wikispecies [[wikispecies:Main Page]]
wiktionary [[wiktionary:Main Page]]

Note: In some installations none of these are pre-installed. Try [[metawikipedia:Main Page]] in this case.

Adding more

As the Wikipedia isn't set up by default, you might want to add it (and other projects of your need).

You have to edit your own database. Go to table interwiki and add a new line (usually done with phpMyAdmin):

Template:Admin tip

Interwiki links to other languages

File:M-en-interwiki lang.png
Interwiki links to other languages

If you have installed a Wiki family, you can link from an article in English to an article in German (if you have a German project, too). You can set up MediaWiki, to show those links in the sidebar, just below the toolbox.

In your filesystem, there is a subfolder of your MediaWiki installation, called "languages". Go there and have a look at "Names.php" as it contains a list of known languages and their prefixes. E.g. you want to add your German project, search "Names.php" for "Deutsch" and note the prefix "de".

If you know the "right" prefix, edit your database by adding a new line to table interwiki:

Now, you can link an article to the same in other languages. Adding [[de:Hauptseite]] on your english Main_Page will create a link "Deutsch" below the toolbox, which leads to the Main_Page of the German wiki (Hauptseite).

Note, that this link is shown in Sidebar's section, only, and not inside of the article. If you want to create a link inside of the text, you have to add a colon previous to the prefix: [[:de:Hauptseite]].

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