Download Details: Faction Rewards

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Name: Faction Rewards
Author: Tyradil
Date: 2007-06-08 02:01:44
Downloads: 5
Version: 1.1.0
Last Modified By: | Tyradil


This addon gives you 2 new options in the menu:
Looking through rewards by character or by faction.
By character it shows you all rewards obtainable with the selected faction, which one the character already obtained, and for recipes it shows which ones are still learnable or which ones can be learned with a higher skill or reputation.
By faction you see all the characters, that match the chosen (or higher) reputation level for the selected faction. You can look at all the rewards at once or filter it for recipes or items. It shows all obtained and still obtainable rewards like the by character view.

New Version 1.1.0 - This one is updated for WoW patch 2.1.0

Changes with 1.1.0:

- added new Factions (Ashtongue Deathsworn, Ogri'la, Sha'tari Skyguard, Netherwing)
- updated faction Scale of the Sands (all new jewelcrafter recipes added)
- added new Earthen Elixir to Cenarion Expedition
- added Brood of Nozdormu and Violett Signet Rings
- added tooltip to show reagents for recipes
- some minor technical changes that have no visible effect
- fixed some wrong data

Dragonfly port can be found here:
Thanks to robojerk und Anaxent!

Credits go to Gorgar for testing and requesting (some horrible to do) features, Daviesh the author of AtlasLoot Enhanced,,, and Edonis for his french translation.

 Change Log


File Name
31.74 kB


WoWRoster Download Section Developed and Designed By Joe Foster(ulminia) for information on obtaining a copy email me at