Hello, I'd like to know if is possible to configure the Roster so only guild members can access to the information (items, keys, sets...) and the rest are aonly allowed to see the member list.
I use phpBB Forums for Usergroup Access to Update.php (usergroup 7)
Last edited by Hidesato on Sat Sep 23, 2006 9:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.
This would require editing alot of code to include phpbb's auth
Could you help me so I can tell what I have to modify? Maybe there's more people interested in this and it could be a good privacy option for the next roster version. Not everyone wants other people to know what's their equipment, etc...
Full auth will be included in 1.8. To what extent it will allow to lock pages to members only, and how it will be configured, is something we're still looking into.