Problem main/alt display

Scans for, and displays main/alt relations in your Guild

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Problem main/alt display

Postby Scatmanicus » Tue Jan 02, 2007 4:47 am

I have downloaded and upgraded to Roster 1.7.2.
I'm running PHP Version 4.4.4

I use the Player Notes to store main/alt information.

In the Roster Config, I have used these setups, all with little success:

Example: Draven is Main, Ashenkhar is Alt

Player notes are currently set as follows:
Draven: "M>Shane/Mi-Ec[+3](EST-USA)"
Ashenkhar: "A>Drevan Shane/He*Al*[+3]"

Previously, these roles were reversed and they were setup properly for the Main/Alt relationship:

Ashenkhar: "M>Shane/He*Al*[+3](EST-USA)"
Draven: "A>Ashenkhar Shane/Mi-Ec[+3]"

However, even after making the changes to the Alt config setup and then doing a guild update, it still shows Draven as an Alt of Ashenkhar.

On hover, Ashenkhar says "Main with alts". Draven says "Mainless Alt".

Another strange thing, this relationship shows fine:

MAIN - Manes: "M>Kyle/Mi*Ec*[+2](CST-USA)"
ALT - Evilwezal: "A>Manes Kyle/He-Al[+2]"

Yet, this alt is displayed in the lower section Mainless Alts:

ALT - Adornous: "A>Manes Kyle/No-No[+2]"

I'm sure I am missing something in the Regex so hopefully, someone can point me in the right direction.
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Problem main/alt display

Postby PleegWat » Tue Jan 02, 2007 5:38 am

your regexes are incorrect. The working alternatives are:


You need backslashes, not slashes.
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Problem main/alt display

Postby Scatmanicus » Tue Jan 02, 2007 1:45 pm

OK, I think I know what the problem is.

When I go into Roster Config, I have copied and pasted each one of the working alternatives that you provided. However, upon saving, the '\' is removed.

I paste /A>([\pL]+)/i and it saves as /A>([pL]+)/i.
I paste /A>([\w]+)/i and it saves as /A>([w]+)/i.
I paste /A>([^\s]+)/i and it saves as /A>([^s]+)/i.

I checked the phpinfo about the magic quotes:

magic_quotes_gpc On On
magic_quotes_runtime Off Off
magic_quotes_sybase Off Off

Here is the link to the phpinfo: Click here for phpinfo

So the question is, how can I get the 1.7.2 version of Roster to properly save the regex as you have suggested?
Last edited by Scatmanicus on Tue Jan 02, 2007 1:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Problem main/alt display

Postby PleegWat » Tue Jan 02, 2007 3:36 pm

I thought I finally got rid of that error, but it must have snuck back in. Try putting in 2 backslashes instead of 1
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Problem main/alt display

Postby Scatmanicus » Tue Jan 02, 2007 6:21 pm

PleegWat, I have added the additional '\' on all three and it did remove one of them so the saved Regex was exactly as you gave me originally. I checked the Main/Alt and nothing was changed. I then did an upload of the CharacterProfiler.lua file with the Guild update password on all three settings. Nothing was changed.

So I had an idea. I logged into mySQL server, checked the roster_alliance_addon_altmonitor_config file and found the record for getmain_regex and manually set it to one of the 3 settings that you gave me. I clicked the Main/Alt addon link and nothing was changed. I did a guild update and nothing was changed. I then changed the setting to each of the other 2 settings, did the guild update and nothing was changed.

So I had another idea. I physically backed up the roster_alliance_addon_altmonitor table, emptied it and then repeated what I just did. In each case, the table roster_alliance_addon_altmonitor was NOT populated at all. Of course, it shows each character as a Mainless Alt on the Main/Alt addon link. I then restored my backup of the table to at least have most of the relationships that were previously setup. I'm really stumped as this Addon was working correctly on an earlier version since many of the relationships are correct.

It looks like the problem is that it is physically not updating, adding or deleting the roster_alliance_addon_altmonitor table. Does this point us to a different problem and if so, do you have any ideas?
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Problem main/alt display

Postby PleegWat » Wed Jan 03, 2007 8:09 am

Is use update triggers in the roster config on?

Additionally, it might be that AM simply doesn't work on the nuke port. I only test on the plain roster.
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Problem main/alt display

Postby BlackRabbit » Wed Jan 03, 2007 8:32 pm

I have tried all 3 to no avail, the /A>([/pL]+)/i was working for me on 1.7.0 but not now :(
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Problem main/alt display

Postby Scatmanicus » Thu Jan 04, 2007 6:13 pm

Thanks. The addon update trigger was off. However, I still have problems.

I tried these combinations:

I got this in the log:
Code: Select all
# [ Scatmanome ]
Scatmanome has main Scatmanome
Scatmanome is a main
Scatmanome has no alts
# [ Scatgurl ]
Scatgurl has main Scatgurl
Scatgurl is a main
Scatgurl has no alts

With this setup /A>([^\s]+)\s/i, I got this
Code: Select all
# [ Scatmanome ]
Warning: preg_match() [function.preg-match]: Delimiter must not be alphanumeric or backslash in /home/luke/public_html/Roster_Alliance/addons/AltMonitor/update.php on line 61
Scatmanome has main Scatmanome
Scatmanome is a main
Scatmanome has no alts
# [ Scatgurl ]
Warning: preg_match() [function.preg-match]: Delimiter must not be alphanumeric or backslash in /home/luke/public_html/Roster_Alliance/addons/AltMonitor/update.php on line 61
Scatgurl has main Scatgurl
Scatgurl is a main
Scatgurl has no alts

All 'Scat' characters show as 'Mainless Alts'.

Here is the player note setups
Scatbankone A>Scatmanicus Luke/Banker[+2]
Scatdahunter A>Scatmanicus Luke/Mi-Bl[+2]
Scaterogue A>Scatmanicus Luke/Ec-Ta[+2]
Scatfemvicar A>Scatmanicus Luke/He-Al[+2]
Scatgurl A>Scatmanicus Luke/Sk-Le[+2]
Scatlock A>Scatmanicus Luke/He-Mi[+2]
Scatmage A>Scatmanicus Luke/Mi-Bl[+2]
Scatmandru A>Scatmanicus Luke/Al*He*[+2]
Scatmanicus M>Luke/Ec*Ta*[+2](CST-USA)
Scatmanome A>Scatmanicus Luke/Mi-Eg[+2]

Another member:
Drevan M>Shane/Mi-Ec[+3](EST-USA)
Ashenkhar A>Drevan Shane/He*Al*[+3]

At this point, I don't know what else I can try. Any suggestions?

Should I edit all players notes and add an ending character such as ":"?


Then setup the regex as: /A>([\pL]+):/i?

Once other question. I notice when I make any changes to the Roster config, that it updates the 'alt_type' field in the 'config' table. However, I do notice that there is a 'getmain_regex' record in the 'addon_altmonitor_config' table which does not change when I edit the Roster config. It was set to '/ALT-([\\\\\\\\w]+)/i' which is what it was when I installed the Alt-Monitor addon. This does not get updated when I change the Roster config. I have tried editing it directly to match each of the changes that I made in the Roster config page but it made no difference. Just to test whether it was being accessed, I put in a bad setup '/A>([/pL]+)/i' and got an error message indicating a preg_match error ..not recognizing 'p'. This tells me that something must be accessing that record. I reset it back to the original '/ALT-([\\\\\\\\w]+)/i'.

All in all, I'm sure it's something simple that I have missed but at this point I can't see the forest for the trees.
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