Last updated not updating

Data Accuracy issues

Last updated not updating

Postby Elethil » Tue Jul 11, 2006 9:32 pm

I searched for but couldn't find any tipics with this same issue.

I upgraded to roster 1.7 after it first came out. Seemed to be working fine, however weve found that some of the members can't seem to update. I have made sure they are using the CP 1.5.4a version and whenever they update the "last updated" colum shows an old date. I asked to verify for me if in fact there data was being updated and just the date was wrong but they havn't gotten back to me on that yet. However i've been contacted by a few more members that they are having the same issue. Is this a known issues with a fix? I will certainly keep looking.

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Last updated not updating

Postby ScratchMonkey » Tue Jul 11, 2006 9:43 pm

Have them switch UniUploader to Advanced mode and report the results of the Debugger and Server Response tabs. Those show what actually happened when they attempted to upload their data.
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Re: Last updated not updating

Postby Elethil » Tue Jul 11, 2006 10:58 pm

I do not believe they are using uniuploader. just updateing from the roster site. Here is a link to my site if that helps. One of the users is Dethmor, he's the GM.

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Last updated not updating

Postby ScratchMonkey » Wed Jul 12, 2006 12:00 am

How are they updating? Exactly? Are they uploading the right file, direct to the upload web page? (It needs to be the one from the WTF tree, not the Interface/Addons tree.)
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Re: Last updated not updating

Postby Elethil » Wed Jul 12, 2006 12:44 am

Yea there updating directly from the lua file. I know for a fact that The GM know's how to update and wich file it is.

Here's a thought. Now im not sure if this applies to the others having issues but it very well could. I belive that the GM uses 2 different accounts on there computer. I know his wife uses this pc as well and has updated all her charecters successfuly. Is it possible in this senario that A, either the default location is set to the other account's Lua file, or B there is some issue with updating 2 differnt accounts from the same pc. But now that im thinking about A sounds pretty logical. Let me ask him and I'll post my findings.

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Last updated not updating

Postby zanix » Wed Jul 12, 2006 5:17 am

If there are two accounts, you should be positive the CP.lua file is being uploaded from the proper account folder in WTF
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