OutlandKeys (merged to key bc 06 Mar 2007)

Displays Instance keys for TBC

Moderator: titan99

OutlandKeys (alternative, merge?)

Postby titan99 » Fri Mar 09, 2007 3:49 pm

Outland Keys and Key BC as merged

but langue file can have a bug or forget i'm work on this point for 3 langue and i'm don't speak german and my english is bad sorry

but if you merge a enUS langue file i'm happy to publish in next the version
Last edited by titan99 on Fri Mar 09, 2007 3:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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OutlandKeys (alternative, merge?)

Postby Equisetum » Mon Mar 12, 2007 9:08 pm

This addon is great! I refer to it often when planning where to go next. Great work!

Not sure if this post belongs here, but...
I use WowrosterDF... I was wondering is there a way to have a block show up the key progression in a mini-mode? It would be a great way to have a quick reference on the front page. Just a thought...

Again, GREAT addon!

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Re: OutlandKeys (alternative, merge?)

Postby ltdeta » Thu Mar 15, 2007 1:10 am

daddelkopp wrote:Here is the german local :mrgreen:

The file is UTF8 encoded.

The only problem is, that the reputation is still english (Revered/Ehrfürchtig). It must be localized in index.php.

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bekomme nach der Aktualisierung der Dateien den Fehler:
1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') GROUP BY members.name' at line 1
SELECT members.name FROM `kosroster_items` items LEFT JOIN `kosroster_members` members ON members.member_id = items.member_id WHERE items.member_id = '47' AND () GROUP BY members.name
File: index.php
Line: 207

Die folgenden SQL-Statements werden ausgeführt:
SELECT `config_name`, `config_value` FROM `kosroster_config` ORDER BY `id` ASC;

SELECT * FROM `kosroster_guild` WHERE `guild_name` = 'Knights of Saxony' AND `server` = 'Arthas'

SELECT name, level, member_id, class, clientLocale FROM `kosroster_players` GROUP BY name ORDER BY name ASC

SELECT members.name FROM `kosroster_items` items LEFT JOIN `kosroster_members` members ON members.member_id = items.member_id WHERE items.member_id = '47' AND () GROUP BY members.name

Beim letzten ist der Fehler
Last edited by ltdeta on Thu Mar 15, 2007 1:24 am, edited 2 times in total.

OutlandKeys (alternative, merge?)

Postby daddelkopp » Thu Mar 15, 2007 9:24 am

Eigentlich besteht kein Grund mehr das du dieses AddOn zusätzlich benutzt. Die Quests sind alle in in Version 0.3 des KEYBC AddOns enthalten. Lad mal Version 0.3 runter und nimm dan aus aus diesem Thread meine aktuelle lokalisierung. Wenn in deinem Roster neben Daten aus dem deutschen Client auch Daten aus englischen Clients vorhanden sind, kannst du mal in diesen Thread schauen Link

Oder du wartest noch ein bisschen bis Titan99 die nächste Version rausbringt wo das alles schon drin ist.

Das Ergebnis sieht dan soaus.

Last edited by daddelkopp on Thu Mar 15, 2007 9:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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OutlandKeys (merged to key bc 06 Mar 2007)

Postby blackice » Sat Mar 31, 2007 10:39 pm

Found a bug on the quests for the The Eye. I know I have not done any of the trials quest (quest numbers 22, 23, 24) I have them in my quest log but have not done them yet and the addon is saying that I completed steps 22, and 23.

Not sure what if anything can be done about this.
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Re: OutlandKeys (merged to key bc

Postby swampy » Sun Apr 08, 2007 11:47 pm

blackice wrote:Found a bug on the quests for the The Eye. I know I have not done any of the trials quest (quest numbers 22, 23, 24) I have them in my quest log but have not done them yet and the addon is saying that I completed steps 22, and 23.

Not sure what if anything can be done about this.

Confirmed. I'm in the same boat. It's as if the quest system doesn't take account of having to have done 3 quests (in any order) before being able to take on the final one.
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Re: OutlandKeys (merged to key bc

Postby gonçalo » Mon Apr 09, 2007 5:48 pm

I have a probleme whith a french roster and a uk profile ...

Warning: Division by zero in /home.2/guildewo/www/Horde/addons/key_bc/membersinstBC.php on line 515

http://www.guildewow.com/Horde/addon.ph ... ame=key_bc
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Re: OutlandKeys (merged to key bc

Postby tuigii » Mon Apr 09, 2007 8:05 pm

gonçalo wrote:I have a probleme whith a french roster and a uk profile ...
Warning: Division by zero in /home.2/guildewo/www/Horde/addons/key_bc/membersinstBC.php on line 515

http://www.guildewow.com/Horde/addon.ph ... ame=key_bc

Let this member trash his CharacterProfile.lua file. The new generated one should give better results.
It's not just one item that's wrong - all these locks are 'unpickable', so Thiefs-outils shouldn't be mentioned in BC instances.

(Tell him where to find it, otherwise he will as well blow away his Add On file :blackeye
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Re: OutlandKeys (merged to key bc

Postby Efryse » Wed Apr 11, 2007 7:11 am

gonçalo wrote:I have a probleme whith a french roster and a uk profile ...

Warning: Division by zero in /home.2/guildewo/www/Horde/addons/key_bc/membersinstBC.php on line 515

http://www.guildewow.com/Horde/addon.ph ... ame=key_bc

You can fix this problem by installing the version from this post: http://www.wowroster.net/Forums/viewtopic/p=18353.html#17883

I modified the code for multilanguage support because many german users a playing with the english client. It was never tested on a french roster but should work hopefully.
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Re: OutlandKeys (merged to key bc

Postby gonçalo » Wed Apr 11, 2007 1:42 pm

Efryse wrote:
gonçalo wrote:I have a probleme whith a french roster and a uk profile ...

Warning: Division by zero in /home.2/guildewo/www/Horde/addons/key_bc/membersinstBC.php on line 515

http://www.guildewow.com/Horde/addon.ph ... ame=key_bc

You can fix this problem by installing the version from this post: http://www.wowroster.net/Forums/viewtopic/p=18353.html#17883

I modified the code for multilanguage support because many german users a playing with the english client. It was never tested on a french roster but should work hopefully.

mmm thanks for that. :thumright:
Last edited by gonçalo on Wed Apr 11, 2007 1:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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