DF Categorized Guildbank with Item Request Mod

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DF Categorized Guildbank with Item Request Mod

Postby Karavirs » Mon Mar 05, 2007 9:49 pm

This is completely based upon Averen's [V1.0.4] Guildbank Request Mod See his topic for configuration options.

Thanks to Averen for a great mod and for permission to port.

This modification to the guildbank enables users to "request" items in the guildbank via clicking on them. It then "removes" them from the bank so they may not be requested again. It then allows the guildbank admin(s) to see a list of who requested what and the option of approving or denying the request, thus decreasing time it takes to send them out.

I have removed as much hard coding as I could. FYI, there is a new wowdb.php in this file to fix some bugs.

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Re: DF Categorized Guildbank with Item Request Mod

Postby Kelv » Fri Mar 09, 2007 10:04 pm

Added the jewelcrafting patches from the main discussion area.
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DF Categorized Guildbank with Item Request Mod

Postby Anaxent » Fri Mar 09, 2007 10:46 pm

What changes were made to the wowdb.php and how will this effect roster anor anyother addons.
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DF Categorized Guildbank with Item Request Mod

Postby Anaxent » Sat Mar 10, 2007 12:16 am

Ok I have installed this addon and do like what it has to offer. We do need to add df auth to this addon though so non users can not click on the item to make a request.
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DF Categorized Guildbank with Item Request Mod

Postby Karavirs » Sat Mar 10, 2007 3:58 am

I started looking into df auth and ran out of time.... Feel free or let me know and I will look into sometime this weekend.

Here are the wowdb issues I had.

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DF Categorized Guildbank with Item Request Mod

Postby Anaxent » Sat Mar 10, 2007 5:22 pm

for df auth we just need to include /lib/login.php from roster in it I have added a few login functions along with roster admin. so now we can use the is_user(), is_admin() or is_group().
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Re: DF Categorized Guildbank with Item Request Mod

Postby Sylna » Sun Mar 11, 2007 4:51 am

I just installed this and after replacing the wowdb.php everything was fine except one thing. When I click "admin" I'll get asked for a password, but I never set one. I'm using RosterDF1.7.3.0. Is there any kind of standard-password?

DF Categorized Guildbank with Item Request Mod

Postby Anaxent » Sun Mar 11, 2007 9:09 am

check the conf.php file for the password
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DF Categorized Guildbank with Item Request Mod

Postby scapegoat » Thu Apr 05, 2007 8:33 am

So, I switched from categorized guildbank to this one with the Item Request, and its awesome. I played around with it a little, requesting stuff and then denying it or accepting, all worked well.

Until I tried to upload my characterprofiler.lua; which gave me an error message. I un-installed RosterDF and installed Just this addon and got the error again, so I am pretty sure its not an addon conflict.

Code: Select all
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare itemarray_merge() (previously declared in /home/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxx.com/modules/WoWRosterDF/addons/guildbank/searcharrays.php:78) in /home/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxx.com/modules/WoWRosterDF/addons/guildbank/searcharrays.php on line 90

Any ideas? I would love to start using the request feature with my guildies.

If I remove the addon, I can upload my .lua file no problem.

Uh. I should have searched first. The answer looks to be all over the forums for the non DF addon. Let me try those first. =)
Last edited by scapegoat on Thu Apr 05, 2007 8:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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DF Categorized Guildbank with Item Request Mod

Postby scapegoat » Fri Apr 06, 2007 5:07 am

Awesome. Everything seems to be working fine.

I downloaded this, replaced my normal CategorizedGuildBank with it, and then downloaded and installed the files that K uploaded elsewhere (cgbenglishonly.zip). This seems to have taken care of the uploading error I was having, and also appears to have added TBC categories to the bank.

Is there anything else I need to get this totally up to date?

Also, the History and Admin buttons appear to anyone... would removing these from the page when not logged in as a DF admin be part of the DF authorisation you are working on?

How is that coming? I am all about having seamless integration =)
Last edited by scapegoat on Fri Apr 06, 2007 5:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: DF Categorized Guildbank with Item Request Mod

Postby Karavirs » Fri Apr 13, 2007 11:15 pm

Problem: DF Group based authentication

I know I can use the DF Auth system that is available in WoWRosterDF however, my guildbankers (as well as everyone else) do not have admin access to site. I'm not comfortable with granting admin rights to users just for access to CGB.

I would love a code snippet to get me started on basing the authentication on membership in the DF Group "Officers" or "Banker"

What does everyone else think?

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DF Categorized Guildbank with Item Request Mod

Postby Bawz » Thu Jul 19, 2007 10:18 pm

I have an interesting problem. When ever I click on an item I would like to reserve, I get the message "That item is not in the guildbank.". Iv'e searched around on the forums but haven't found anything about this. Has anyone else run across this?

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