Fixed German local for

Displays Instance keys for TBC

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Fixed German local for

Postby daddelkopp » Tue Mar 06, 2007 9:48 am


here the fix for german local. But the faction reputation bar did not work (in all languages!). I post this in a new topic, because the old Thread was a littlebit confused.

Link to my german roster: Link

Code: Select all
$inttorep = array(0,'Neutral','Freundlich','Wohlwollend','Respektvoll','Ehrfürchtig');

It is not language spezific. I think the last localfile which is called in localization.php is the actual faction local for all language.

Thanks for your hard work. I will do my best to help you with the german local.

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Re: Fixed German local for

Postby Efryse » Tue Mar 06, 2007 11:13 am

The reptutationsbars are not shown because you didn't change the arrays from Key-Only to Reputation.

You can't use
Code: Select all
'HA' => array( 'Key-Only', 'HA' =>
         'Schlüssel der Auchenai|55216',
          'Unteres Viertel|Respektvoll)

It has to be
Code: Select all
'HA' => array( 'Reputation', 'HA' =>
         'Schlüssel der Auchenai|55216',
          'Unteres Viertel|Respektvoll)

and this has to be done for all five keys. You also should look up the inst_names in the beginning of deDE.php because Karazhan and The Eye are not correct

You can use my version posted in but it's a different translation and I didn't integrate the cipher-quests.
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Re: Fixed German local for

Postby daddelkopp » Tue Mar 06, 2007 11:34 am

Thank you very much Efryse :mrgreen:

I want to support the original project, because of the trouble I had with my "only" german version of this AddOn. I fixed the errors and here is the result:Link

Works like a charm :thumright:


edit1: I include Efryse changes for membersinstBC.php, too. Very nice :thumleft: I don't include it in the attached zipfile! Because it have nothing to do with the localization.

edit2: Thanks SethDeBlade for your nice changes. I have include them, too. But (again) not in the zipfile :mrgreen:
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Re: Fixed German local for

Postby Efryse » Tue Mar 06, 2007 4:39 pm

I found a small bug: You should change 'Ehrenfeste' to 'Thrallmar' in the Horde section to make it work for the horde.
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Re: Fixed German local for

Postby daddelkopp » Wed Mar 07, 2007 9:43 am

Thanks to Efryse, again :)

I fixed this little copy&paste error and another small error for horde (wrong reputation).

And i change the order of keys a littlebit.

Only one thing from the outland_keys is missing at the moment. The amulett to enter the shrine (Lady Vashji). But to insert this in deDE.php, it must be insert in membersinstbc.php, too.

You can implement it for yourself.
Insert into deDE.php (You need a UTF8 Texteditor! Dont use Notepad!):

Code: Select all
@ top of file:

For Horde & alliance:

   'Shrine' => array( 'Parts', 'Shrine' =>
         'Das Mal von Vashj|',

Insert into membersinstBC.php ($min_skill_for_lock = array):
Code: Select all

Last problem. Idont know the number to show the "Das Mal von Vashj". Can someone help me with this?

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Re: Fixed German local for

Postby Efryse » Wed Mar 07, 2007 12:58 pm

Looks like that you use the Item-IDs from or allakhazam (which are the same).

The ID used for the keys is the ID from thottbot. I think you have to use the following numbers:

Blazing Signet / Flammensiegel : 59607
Earthen Signet / Erdensiegel : 59606

The Mark of Lady Vashj is an uncategorized Spell in thottbot. I think, we have to wait until someone gets the key and provide his data to thottbot. Or maybe it is not an item? If you don't receive a key item, you can't integrate this "key". Then it's like Naxxramas or Molten Core. But I don't know and I'm far away from completing the quests.
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Re: Fixed German local for

Postby daddelkopp » Wed Mar 07, 2007 1:31 pm

Efryse wrote:I'm far away from completing the quests.
Me too :mrgreen:

As long this isnt clear, it should be optional (like now).
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