funny chars with german AltMonitor

Scans for, and displays main/alt relations in your Guild

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funny chars with german AltMonitor

Postby Mikam » Sat Mar 10, 2007 12:30 am

AltMonitor always worked perfectly, but now there are funny signs for some time?

so i've tried out a couple of suggestions found at the forum
i've deinstalled - and reinstalled
saved the settings and updated the relations twice and two times more for the road

=> unfortunately no improvement :cry:

if i look at the update-log everyting is pretty nice. even umlaute und apostrophe show up correct

Schäfchen - Main: Emmylu - Alt of Emmylu - Alt of Main
Túrindúr - Main: Túrindúr - Main - With alts
everything is green and nice :thumright:

looking at our guilds AltMonitorPage, it's weird

now i'm burried on my desk - can anyone bail me out?

thx in advance
here my updateLog after updating from the AltMonitor-Configuration-Panel
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Last edited by Mikam on Sat Mar 10, 2007 12:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
Mikam Apprentice Apprentice
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funny chars with german AltMonitor

Postby Mavtoo » Sat Mar 10, 2007 3:02 am

For me it looks like your alt-monitor isn't configured in utf-8. This could happen if you change something in the build in editor from windows as far as i know.
I would try to download alt-monitor again and to change something use an extended editor for example notepad++ (its free, fast and had a lot of bonus features).
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Re: funny chars with german AltMonitor

Postby Mikam » Sat Mar 10, 2007 1:54 pm

sorry2say, but i did not edit any of the files

but ... to be sure i started all over
first i deinstalled AltMonitor
downloaded the zip once more
unpacked it to a local directory
used WinSCP3 to bring the addon to the server
then i went to the roster and hit the AltMonitorButton, which told me to install it.
that is the first time, when the page shows up a wrong umlaute
AltMonitor Installationssystem
Die AltMonitor Tabellen sind noch nicht installiert. Dr?cke Install um die benötigten Tabellen zu erzeugen.


after hitting install it told me something like congratulation - AltMonitor succesfully installed ... yeaaa
where umlaute are looking good again
AltMonitor Installationssystem
Glückwunsch, AltMonitor wurde erfolgreich installiert. Klicke auf den unten stehenden Link um es zu Konfigurieren.
Öffne die AltMonitor Konfiguration

hitting the line open AltMonitor for configuration results in in "addon doesn't exist :?:
... doesn't matter for me. hope i'm right
hitting die AltMonitor button to get to the configuration-panel, where umlaute are showing up correct
Main/Twink Beziehungen
Auf dieses Feld beziehen >Public Note< Officer Note
Benutze Treffer Nr.
Main Identifikator
Kein Ergebnis Main Mainless Alt
Ungültiges Ergebnis Main Mainless Alt
Twink eines Twinks >Try to resolve< Leave in table Set as main Set as mainless alt
Update typ None Guild Character >Both<

... making my chances saved them and updated the relations twice

so 'u can see, an istallation right out of the box ;)

so dependicies are looking good again - after a couple of tries although i used the old settings :(

going to the rosters main page, all umlaute and apostrophe with all text on the page (addon-names,member-names, ...) are looking correct
Aldor / Seher Mains/Twinks Rüstungssets Gildenbank Gilden Statistik Schlüssel BC max. Widerstand By The Numbers Rezeptesuche Rufübersicht SigGen Config begabt? Char löschen Hexenjagd

hitting the Main/Twinks-Button displayerrors occur
not on any sign - which i cannnot understand. there are serval having umlaute which are displayed correctly :?:
Aldor / Seher Mains/Twinks Rüstungssets Gildenbank Gilden Statistik Schlüssel BC max. Widerstand By The Numbers Rezeptesuche Rufübersicht SigGen Config begabt? Char löschen Hexenjagd

the header and the guildnames with umlaute are showing wrong,
Öffne/Schließe alle Tabs
Open all Close all

Moridúr Druide 42 Legionär Túrindúr - Twink
Pyradonix Jäger 12 Adept Túrindúr - Twink

but at the bottom of the page, were 'u can go to the configuration page ist ok again
Öffne die AltMonitor Konfiguration

so that is the state of affairs
unfortunately i can't remember exactly when the problems started
after installing roster 1.7.3 everything looked fine

yes i know, that's a kind of whine-thread - sorry 4 that

but by now i have spend a couple of hours in investigating, installing and trying out

if anybody has one wonderful idea, i would be at the top of the world :joker2:

thx in advance 4 any suggestions
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funny chars with german AltMonitor

Postby PleegWat » Sat Mar 10, 2007 5:32 pm

Hm, I've seen this error before. I don't quite understand because there is a utf8 file header but it's in a weird place. I'll get the archive from the site and double check it.
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funny chars with german AltMonitor

Postby PleegWat » Sat Mar 10, 2007 8:49 pm

I've double checked, I've downloaded the version on the site, installed it here, set german, and it's working fine.

Because of the place the DOM sign shows up in (above the menu) about the only thing that could be causing this is a different addon's menu.php. Can you check if the error persists if you remove all addons except altmonitor?
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Re: funny chars with german AltMonitor

Postby Mikam » Sat Mar 10, 2007 11:30 pm

hello PleegWat,

i've removed all addons excep altmonitor.
there is still the same problem.
if u want 2 have a look i'll wait reinstalling the other addons until 're giving me an ok


thx a lot 4 're help

ps: i've downloaded version 2.0.2, and did a new install. I'm sorry to say ... still uggly char's
Last edited by Mikam on Sat Mar 10, 2007 11:43 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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funny chars with german AltMonitor

Postby PleegWat » Sun Mar 11, 2007 11:12 am

The weird chars above menu.php are gone, but the problem is still there. I'm afraid I've got no idea what's causing it. I can't reproduce it here either.
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funny chars with german AltMonitor

Postby Mikam » Sun Mar 11, 2007 6:36 pm

harm to hear - we will probably have to live with it :(

nevertheless thanks for looking :thumright:
Last edited by Mikam on Sun Mar 11, 2007 6:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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