Running ArmorySync update without logging into Dragonfly

Addons for WoWRosterDF

Running ArmorySync update without logging into Dragonfly

Postby Pugro » Wed Apr 25, 2007 4:50 pm

I've got the normal roster updating from the Armory on a schedule now, but when I try the same thing with it integrated into Dragonfly am getting what I thought I might, a permission denied error.

Has anyone got any ideas for enabling access to the update page on a single update basis like the normal roster version lets you do?

For those interested, I've knocked together a small .Net app which gets a list of the chars from the roster table then uses the HttpWebRequest objects to call the ArmorySync addon using the "SyncPlayer=XXX" parameter. This just updates the player in question. It also means I can just leave my app running the background updating a player every 10 mins or so and not kill the server with a full update. When it gets to the end of the list it starts on the first player again.

You could do exactly the same from a simple script as well, but I wanted to play with .Net :D

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Running ArmorySync update without logging into Dragonfly

Postby robojerk » Wed Apr 25, 2007 11:55 pm

Sounds interesting..
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