Black Temple Key

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Black Temple Key

Postby nightfighter » Fri May 25, 2007 1:07 am

Is someone going to add the Black Temple Key series to the addon? It is one of those attunments that have a series of quests that leads through the Serpentshrine Cavern and The Eye in Tempest Keep. For more info:
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Re: Black Temple Key

Postby daddelkopp » Fri May 25, 2007 3:56 pm


Insert into membersinstBC.php (line 158):
Code: Select all
            'Temple' => 1001,

For german insert into deDE.php:
Code: Select all

For Alliance & Horde:

   'Temple' => array( 'Quests', 'Temple' =>
         'Medaillon von Karabor|32649',
         'Schrifttafeln von Baa\\\'ri|',
         'Oronu der Älteste|',
         'Die Verderber der Aschenzungen|',
         'Der Kerker des Wächters|',
         'Ein Beweis der Treue|',
         'Seher Udalo|',
         'Ein mysteriöses Omen|',
         'Die Terrasse von Ata\\\'mal|',
         'Akamas Versprechen|'

For english insert into enUS.php:
Code: Select all

For Alliance & Horde:

   'Temple' => array( 'Quests', 'Temple' =>
         'Medallion of Karabor|32649',
         'Tablets of Baa\\\'ri|',
         'Oronu the Elder|',
         'The Ashtongue Corruptors|',
         'The Warden\\\'s Cage|',
         'Proof of Allegiance|',
         'Seer Udalo|',
         'A Mysterious Portent|',
         'The Ata\\\'mal Terrace|',
         'Akama\\\'s Promise|'


edit: That was the first step, I missed some quest.

edit2: For fallowing steps the Quest are not known:

After completing Quest:Akama's Promise, players adventuring in the Serpentshrine Cavern will have access to a quest from a Broken NPC in Fathom-Lord Karathress's room. After delivering a message to Akama, he informs Illidan of Kael'thas' treachery in order to attempt to prove his loyalty (Illidan believes him, but is still suspicious). You will then need to slay Al'ar in the Eye of Tempest Keep so that Akama can convince Illidan he is stil loyal.

The next part of the attunement involves killing Rage Winterchill, a lich boss in the Battle of Mount Hyjal instance. There may be another quest after this one, as it has not been completed yet by any guilds.

At the end of the quest line, Akama will likely reward you with the Medallion of Karabor, allowing entry into the Black Temple.

Example, my Roster

edit3: Fix typo in english version
Last edited by daddelkopp on Tue May 29, 2007 5:39 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Black Temple Key

Postby braucki » Sat May 26, 2007 7:21 pm

Hello, need help in importing the black temple. I inserted everything as described below,but only the row exists.Not the word "Tempel" in the row on top.
Can someone please help me out ?

Last edited by braucki on Sat May 26, 2007 7:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Black Temple Key

Postby Pawo » Sun May 27, 2007 4:07 pm

En Francais :

Code: Select all

   'Temple' => array( 'Quests', 'Temple' =>
         'M√©daillon de Karabor|32649',
         'Tablettes de Baa\\\'ri|',
         'Oronu l\\\'Ancien|',
         'Les corrupteurs cendrelangue|',
         'La Cage du gardien|',
         'Preuve d\\\'all√©geance|',
         'Le voyant Udalo|',
         'Un myst√©rieux pr√©sage|',
         'La terrasse Ata\\\'mal|',
         'La promesse d\\\'Akama|'
      ), ... ame=key_bc
Last edited by Pawo on Sun May 27, 2007 4:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Black Temple Key

Postby Sprakeloos » Sun May 27, 2007 4:54 pm

The English version produces some errors about two lines after inserting the code.
Looks like you forgot to escape the ' in those two lines.
The following works for me :

Code: Select all
'Temple' => array( 'Quests', 'Temple' =>
                             'Medallion of Karabor|32649',
                             'Tablets of Baa\\\'ri|',
                             'Oronu the Elder|',
                             'The Ashtongue Corruptors|',
                             'The Warden\\\'s Cage|',
                             'Proof of Allegiance|',
                             'Seer Udalo|',
                             'A Mysterious Portent|',
                             'The Ata\\\'mal Terrace|',
                             'Akama\\\'s Promise|'
Last edited by Sprakeloos on Sun May 27, 2007 4:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Black Temple Key

Postby Pawo » Sun May 27, 2007 6:17 pm

Is someone have information about the next quests to do ? (in serpentshire and hyjal ?)
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Black Temple Key

Postby daddelkopp » Tue May 29, 2007 5:36 pm

Thanks Sprakeloos. I have fixed my code posted above.


After completing Quest:Akama's Promise, players adventuring in the Serpentshrine Cavern will have access to a quest from a Broken NPC in Fathom-Lord Karathress's room. After delivering a message to Akama, he informs Illidan of Kael'thas' treachery in order to attempt to prove his loyalty (Illidan believes him, but is still suspicious). You will then need to slay Al'ar in the Eye of Tempest Keep so that Akama can convince Illidan he is stil loyal.

The next part of the attunement involves killing Rage Winterchill, a lich boss in the Battle of Mount Hyjal instance. There may be another quest after this one, as it has not been completed yet by any guilds.

At the end of the quest line, Akama will likely reward you with the Medallion of Karabor, allowing entry into the Black Temple.

I could not find something about the next quests at thottbot, buffed or wowwiki. There are only 2 or 5 guilds which have these questline complete.

Last edited by daddelkopp on Tue May 29, 2007 5:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Black Temple Key

Postby daddelkopp » Tue May 29, 2007 5:59 pm

Okay, I found the next Queststep @ Serpent Shrine & Akama :)

Queststep SerpentShrine
Akama & Mount Hyjal

Or from Nihilum guild

Code: Select all
'Temple' => array( 'Quests', 'Temple' =>
                             'Medallion of Karabor|32649',
                             'Tablets of Baa\\\'ri|',
                             'Oronu the Elder|',
                             'The Ashtongue Corruptors|',
                             'The Warden\\\'s Cage|',
                             'Proof of Allegiance|',
                             'Seer Udalo|',
                             'A Mysterious Portent|',
                             'The Ata\\\'mal Terrace|',
                             'Akama\\\'s Promise|',
                             'The Secret Compromised|',
                             'Ruse of the Ashtongue|',
                             'An Artifact From the Past|',
                             'The Hostage Soul|',
                             'Entry Into the Black Temple|',
                             'A Distraction for Akama|'

Hm, now we have another problem in the future. The "Medallion of Karabor" will become "Blessed Medallion of Karabor" after defeating Illidan :)

Last edited by daddelkopp on Wed May 30, 2007 12:01 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Black Temple Key

Postby Corbism » Tue May 29, 2007 11:45 pm

daddelkopp wrote:Okay, I found the next Queststep @ Serpent Shrine & Akama :)

There is a problem with the placement of the ', above in 5 lines, which results in an error. Many of the lines are ending in a ,'. It should be the other way around as ',

Wrong: 'The Secret Compromised|,'

Correct: 'The Secret Compromised|',

This corrected code works:
Code: Select all
        'Temple' => array( 'Quests', 'Temple' =>
                             'Medallion of Karabor|32649',
                             'Tablets of Baa\\\'ri|',
                             'Oronu the Elder|',
                             'The Ashtongue Corruptors|',
                             'The Warden\\\'s Cage|',
                             'Proof of Allegiance|',
                             'Seer Udalo|',
                             'A Mysterious Portent|',
                             'The Ata\\\'mal Terrace|',
                             'Akama\\\'s Promise|',
                             'The Secret Compromised|',
                             'Ruse of the Ashtongue|',
                             'An Artifact From the Past|',
                             'The Hostage Soul|',
                             'Entry Into the Black Temple|',
                             'A Distraction for Akama|'
Last edited by Corbism on Tue May 29, 2007 11:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Black Temple Key

Postby daddelkopp » Wed May 30, 2007 12:00 am

I missed this lines here. Thanks Corbism. I edit my post above.

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