Sorry guys, yes I did drop off the map there for abit. I ended up having some IRL issues and was unable to get on or update for awhile. I sincerely apologize for that.
Anyway, I have redone, with the help of some of my advanced coders in my guild, and we've got a working integration. It's still VERY VERY Alpha state at the moment. I will be releasing this to a select few on this board who have contacted me about it on 18 July. Testing will begin at that time, once alpha stage has been completed I'll release the beta product on (I have to do that to stay within their licensing agreement) and will post the address here. The download will be located on, but I will be providing support through this site mostly.
For those wanting a preview of the integration head on over to my site at:
Some things are still broken there, as I said, we are still VERY VERY alpha at this stage.
Addons and everything else that works with WoW Roster are fully functional with this build of WoW vB Roster. I hope you guys like it

Again, I apologize for falling off the face of the earth like that. I have recovered that area of my life, so I am back in force again

The Astral Order