PHP Unable to start external status process.

Provides Ventrilo status information.

Moderator: Rabbitbunny

PHP Unable to start external status process.

Postby MattM » Sat Sep 08, 2007 4:02 am

1: make sure you have the ventrilo status binary
The binary is packaged with the server from the vent website and comes in 2 flavors:
Windows: ventrilo_status.exe
Linux: ventrilo_status

2: see if the binary is in the right place
3: see the binary's permissions - they depend on what user your http daemon is running as
4: see the file path in the configuration options of the script
5: see <?php phpinfo();?>
6: search forums
7: seek further help or continue solo

PLEASE post any alternate troubleshooting paths or steps you may discover while tinkering.
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PHP Unable to start external status process.

Postby ds » Sat Sep 08, 2007 4:10 am

I think I should point out the ventrilo_status is a binary so if your running under *nix it is important to get the correct binary for your server's *nix installation. FlagShip Inc., supports the following *nix flavors:
Linux i386 - 32bit
Solaris SPARC - 64bit
Solaris x86 - 32bit
FreeBSD i386 - 32bit
NetBSD i386 - 32bit
Mac OSX PowerPC - 32bit

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