Occassionally does not upload zip file

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Occassionally does not upload zip file

Postby foreseit » Fri Nov 23, 2007 12:38 am

I've discovered that occasionally, UniUadmin does not upload a zip file correctly. I'm not sure why or when it does this.

What happens is I upload a zip file either through the Add/Update Add on interface or through the WoWAce interface that, for some unknown reason, didn't get saved into the addon_zips directory. It will show up in the UniAdmin add on list, and it will appear just like the other add ons which uploaded correctly.

When I hit synchronize in UniUploader, it will progress through the updated addons until it gets to that unsaved addon and bugs out. There is no error specific message, and UpiUploader pretends like it updated all the add ons. In order to progress on updating addons, I have to uncheck the offending add and resynchronize. However, it is a little difficult to figure out which add on it is, and my end users can't seem to figure this out.

The only way I know to fix this is to carefully watch UniUploader & catch which add on it stops at. I then have to re-upload that particular add on. Can I just upload the add on directly into the addon_zip file directory through FTP? Is there away for UniUploader to generate an easily seen error message that informs the user which add on has failed, like a dialog box?

I update add ons almost daily, this error seems to crop up every week or two. Over time, it has lead many of my guildies to abandon relying on UniUploader and revert to manually downloading from curse-gaming, which isn't so bad except it leaves my Roster outdated.
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Occassionally does not upload zip file

Postby zanix » Fri Nov 23, 2007 3:55 am

That's really weird
The zip file has to be present so UA can scan the files, so for some reason its deleting the zip file when it's done scanning it

Add this as a bug in the UniAdmin Project page, I plan on working on UA after Roster 2.0 goes final
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