I Can't Update my Guild

Data Accuracy issues

I Can't Update my Guild

Postby Alex13 » Mon Dec 31, 2007 6:34 am

Hi All !

First a very big thanks to all developpers of this wonderful "engine" that WoW Roster is !

I'm using it since yesterday, I've all working fine on the website, but when i Try to update the data with the CharacterProfiler.lua i got this error message :

Code: Select all
Parsing files

    * Parsed CharacterProfiler in 0.15 seconds

Could not find guild in database. Please update members first.

I don't understand why, cans omebody help me ?

WoW Roster 1.7.3 and the latest avalaible addons for GuildProfiler and CharacterProfiler (downloaded from this website)

Thanks in advance !

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I Can't Update my Guild

Postby zanix » Mon Dec 31, 2007 9:54 am

Enter you Roster admin password when uploading CP.lua
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Re: I Can't Update my Guild

Postby Alex13 » Mon Dec 31, 2007 4:59 pm

Hi Zanix,

Thanks is it already done, but without working :/

Do you have another idea ?

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I Can't Update my Guild

Postby PleegWat » Mon Dec 31, 2007 6:49 pm

You need to have guildprofiler installed as well (it keeps its data in the cp.lua)
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I Can't Update my Guild

Postby Alex13 » Mon Dec 31, 2007 10:48 pm

Hi All !

It's ok, I've find the clue, all work fine now !

Will Roster have a login access like PHPNuke or PHPBB ? (to prevent anonymous user to see the inventory of bank and bags ?

Thanks again for your help !

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