ItemSets released for Roster 2

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ItemSets released for Roster 2

Postby driller » Fri Sep 26, 2008 6:45 pm

get this when i try to install itemsets

The install definition file for ItemSets_2.0.3-380 did not contain a correct installation class

using roster v2.0.0 any help would be great.
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Re: ItemSets released for Roster 2

Postby nicoxnoise » Thu Dec 04, 2008 10:16 pm

hello everybody

i have the same problem for itemset addon and gemdisplay addon,exactly the same message:

Le fichier contenant les définitions du programme d'installation pour [ItemSets_2.0.3-380] ne contient pas de classes d'installation correctes .

I can see i am not the only one that have this problem,some asks about this problem but no answers about?

What can be the solution to resolv this problem?

it seems both addons aren't compatible for roster 2.0.

thanks a lot for your answer
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ItemSets released for Roster 2

Postby zanix » Fri Dec 05, 2008 12:35 am

Open inc/install.def.php

Make sure it says

class itemsetsInstall
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Re: ItemSets released for Roster 2

Postby rouven » Fri Dec 05, 2008 5:04 pm

Thanks Master zanix ;-)

I am currently thinking about a redesign. Many changes were made to the game and the old way of translation every set item is a pain in the ass. I still need some time, but ideas are already comming ;-)
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Re: ItemSets released for Roster 2

Postby nicoxnoise » Fri Dec 05, 2008 5:09 pm

hello everybody!!

thanks a lot for your answer zanix!

so i go in inc folder and i edit the install.def.php.

there is a line with this syntaxe class itemsetsInstall so the problem doesn' come from this line.

i paste here the install.def.php of itemsets 2.0.3-380

* WoWRoster
* LICENSE: Licensed under the Creative Commons
* "Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5" license
* @copyright 2002-2007
* @license Creative Commons "Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5"
* @version
* @svn SVN: $Id: install.def.php 376 2008-03-06 15:22:10Z rouven $
* @link
* @author Gorgar, PoloDude, Zeryl, Munazz
* @package ItemSets
* @subpackage Installer

if ( !defined('IN_ROSTER') )
exit('Detected invalid access to this file!');

* Installer ItemSets
* @package ItemSets
* @subpackage Installer
class ItemSetsInstall
var $active = true;
var $icon = 'ability_mage_moltenarmor';
var $wrnet_id = '23';
var $version = '2.0.3';

var $fullname = 'ItemSets';
var $description = 'ItemSets_Desc';
var $credits = array(
array( "name"=> "Gorgar, PoloDude, Zeryl",
"info"=> "Original Author"),
array( "name"=> "Munazz",
"info"=> "2.0 Beta adapter"),
array( "name"=> "Rouven",
"info"=> "2.0.x releases")

* Install Function
* @return bool
function install()
global $installer;

// Create the Config Entry
$installer->add_config("'1010','defaultset','Tier_4','select{Dungeon Set 1^Dungeon_1|Dungeon Set 2^Dungeon_2|Dungeon Set 3^Dungeon_3|Tier 1 Raid^Tier_1|Tier 2 Raid^Tier_2|Tier 3 Raid^Tier_3|Tier 4 Raid^Tier_4|Tier 5 Raid^Tier_5|Tier 6 Raid^Tier_6|Arena Season 1^Arena_1|Arena Season 2^Arena_2|Arena Season 3^Arena_3|Zul\'Gurub^ZG|Ruins of Ahn\'Qiraj20^AQ20|Tempel of Ahn\'Qiraj40^AQ40|PvP Rare^PVP_Rare|PvP Epic^PVP_Epic|PVP Level 70^PVP_Level70','itemsets_conf'");
$installer->add_config("'1200', 'itemsets_lvl', '50', 'text{2|2', 'itemsets_conf'");
// Create the menu button

return true;

* Upgrade Function
* @param string $oldversion
* @return bool
function upgrade($oldversion)
global $installer;
if( version_compare('2.0.2', $oldversion,'>') == true )
$installer->add_config("'1200', 'itemsets_lvl', '50', 'text{2|2', 'itemsets_conf'");
return true;

* Un-Install Function
* @return bool
function uninstall()
global $installer;


return true;

there is the same problem with the same error message from gemdisplay.i found the line with class GemsDisplay
i change in class GemsDisplayInstall and it works fine now

thanks a lot for your answer and your help to resolv this problem!
Last edited by nicoxnoise on Fri Dec 05, 2008 5:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ItemSets released for Roster 2

Postby Calystos » Fri Dec 05, 2008 8:46 pm

Find attached a slightly modded version that I updated a few months ago (before WOTLK or the 3.0.x patches came out so its not totally updated - YET, will work on adding more info soon as I get time). Its got the missing T6 items (since the previous releases only had 5 of the 8 items listed) as well as some other equipment that wasn't in the previous builds, however it is missing some data still but as I said I'll try an update whenever I get some more free time.

I've tried this build on both the release build of WoWRoster 2.0.2 (and 2.0.1 and 2.0.0) as well as the very latest SVN builds without any problems.
- added patch 2.4.x Tier 6 bracers/belt/boots items
- added Arena Season 4 items
- cleaned up code, minor indentation fixes, etc
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Re: ItemSets released for Roster 2

Postby nicoxnoise » Sat Dec 06, 2008 4:22 pm

thanks a lot for your reply!!

it works perfectly!!

i hope you update the new version with new set!

really great addon !
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Re: ItemSets released for Roster 2

Postby Calystos » Sun Dec 07, 2008 7:26 am

nicoxnoise wrote:thanks a lot for your reply!!

it works perfectly!!

i hope you update the new version with new set!

really great addon !

No probs, glad it worked. And yes I will be updating it to include all the new sets asap. And of course I'll upload to here, :)
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ItemSets released for Roster 2

Postby AnthonyB » Sun Dec 07, 2008 2:23 pm

Hi Calystos - thanks for the update!

I'm seeing some funky table rendering with the Tier 4, 5, and 6 sets with some columns with no header in the header row: ... ect=Tier_4

Is this to be expected?
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Re: ItemSets released for Roster 2

Postby Calystos » Sun Dec 07, 2008 5:18 pm

New release and new thread HERE

Have fun, :D
Last edited by Calystos on Mon Dec 08, 2008 3:11 am, edited 6 times in total.
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