Login not possible

Dragonfly integration forum

Login not possible

Postby BaronM » Wed Mar 05, 2008 3:12 pm

Hello community,

we use the dragonfly cms as environment for wowroster.

Yesterday i put some security patches via online update into the system. Now a login into the cms / forum is not possible.
I assume that this has to do with the updated PHP packages (see list of packages below)

What happens:
If a user put in valid user and passwort information and klick the send button the page reloads without loging the user in.

Error analysis:
- NO error message appears
- NO related information in the logs (apache, messages)
- Switching the debug variable in the dragonfly config to 'true' results not in more information

List of updated packages:
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:33:22 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" rsync-2.6.8-31
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:33:26 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" cups-libs-1.2.7-12.9
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:33:36 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" krb5-1.5.1-23.12
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:33:41 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" xorg-x11-libs-7.2-25
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:33:47 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" libxml2-2.6.26-28
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:33:53 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" xfsprogs-2.9.4-17.1
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:33:56 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" autofs-4.1.4-62.5
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:34:01 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" mysql-shared-5.0.26-16
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:34:27 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" python-2.5-19.6
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:34:34 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" mysql-client-5.0.26-16
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:34:37 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" mkinitrd-1.2-153
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:34:38 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" cairo-1.2.4-10
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:34:43 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" timezone-2.5-34.10
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:34:49 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" clamav-0.92.1-0.1
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:34:58 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" ghostscript-fonts-std-8.15.3-26
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:35:24 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" vim-7.0-40
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:35:27 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" libgimpprint-4.2.7-103
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:35:46 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" kernel-default-
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:37:09 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" cups-client-1.2.7-12.9
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:37:11 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" xorg-x11-devel-7.2-25
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:37:14 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" libxml2-devel-2.6.26-28
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:37:22 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" php5-5.2.5-18.1
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:37:26 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" python-xml-2.5-19.6
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:37:29 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" python-tk-2.5-19.6
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:38:05 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" mysql-5.0.26-16
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:38:40 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" mysql-devel-5.0.26-16
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:39:04 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" ghostscript-library-8.15.3-26
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:39:07 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" php5-pdo-5.2.5-18.1
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:39:11 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" php5-mbstring-5.2.5-18.1
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:39:12 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" php5-iconv-5.2.5-18.1
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:39:13 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" php5-hash-5.2.5-18.1
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:39:14 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" php5-json-5.2.5-18.1
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:39:15 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" php5-suhosin-5.2.5-18.1
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:39:16 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" php5-gettext-5.2.5-18.1
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:39:17 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" php5-dom-5.2.5-18.1
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:39:18 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" php5-ctype-5.2.5-18.1
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:39:27 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" cups-1.2.7-12.9
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:39:32 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" php5-gd-5.2.5-18.1
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:39:38 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" apache2-mod_php5-5.2.5-18.1
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:39:42 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" php5-fastcgi-5.2.5-18.1
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:39:43 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" php5-tokenizer-5.2.5-18.1
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:39:44 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" php5-mcrypt-5.2.5-18.1
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:39:44 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" php5-zlib-5.2.5-18.1
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:39:45 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" php5-openssl-5.2.5-18.1
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:39:46 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" php5-xmlwriter-5.2.5-18.1
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:40:04 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" python-devel-2.5-19.6
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:40:09 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" cairo-devel-1.2.4-10
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:40:11 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" php5-ftp-5.2.5-18.1
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:40:12 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" php5-sqlite-5.2.5-18.1
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:40:13 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" php5-mysql-5.2.5-18.1
Di 04 Mär 2008 16:40:13 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" php5-xmlreader-5.2.5-18.1
Di 04 Mär 2008 23:31:10 CET "SUSE LINUX Prod" libicu-3.4-36

Any ideas to get this problem solved? Searching the forum and asking the google-oracle unfortunately doesn't help....

WR.net Apprentice
WR.net Apprentice
Posts: 5
Joined: Sun Aug 20, 2006 2:29 pm

Login not possible

Postby BaronM » Wed Mar 05, 2008 3:58 pm

Aditional info:

CMS Version is 9.31

I am also to use the "reset password" Option. A link will be send by the system to my maintained e-mail address and after providing the security code a new password will be send. But the described behavior is also seen with the new password.

Other CMS (e.g. Joomla) on the server works fine.

Last edited by BaronM on Wed Mar 05, 2008 4:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
WR.net Apprentice
WR.net Apprentice
Posts: 5
Joined: Sun Aug 20, 2006 2:29 pm

Login not possible

Postby BaronM » Wed Mar 05, 2008 5:08 pm

Additional findings:

Login via admin.php works and i am able to work with the admin panel.
Looks stranger than before...

WR.net Apprentice
WR.net Apprentice
Posts: 5
Joined: Sun Aug 20, 2006 2:29 pm

Login not possible

Postby BaronM » Wed Mar 05, 2008 6:24 pm

Debug Info:

SQL Queries:


* 0.0008 - LINE 173: DELETE FROM cms_session WHERE time<1204712282


* 0.0011 - LINE 117: SELECT mid, blocks, version FROM cms_modules WHERE title='News'


* 0.001 - LINE 85: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cms_stories s WHERE s.ihome=1
* 0.0017 - LINE 125: SELECT s.*, sc.title AS cattitle, t.topicimage, t.topictext FROM cms_stories AS s LEFT JOIN cms_stories_cat AS sc ON (sc.catid=s.catid) LEFT JOIN cms_topics t ON t.topicid=s.topic WHERE s.ihome=1 ORDER BY display_order DESC, sid DESC LIMIT 0,10


* 0.0012 - LINE 44: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cms_session WHERE uname='SOMEWHAT'
* 0.0019 - LINE 45: UPDATE cms_session SET time='1204712582', module='Startseite', url='/index.php', guest='2' WHERE uname='SOMEWHATl'


* 0.0015 - LINE 42: SELECT m.title as link, m.custom_title as title, m.view, m.active, m.inmenu, m.cat_id, m.pos AS linkpos, c.name, c.image, c.pos AS catpos, c.link AS catlnk, c.link_type AS cattype FROM cms_modules AS m LEFT JOIN cms_modules_cat c ON (c.cid = m.cat_id)
* 0.0012 - LINE 58: SELECT l.title, l.link, l.link_type, l.view, l.active, l.cat_id, l.pos AS linkpos, c.name, c.image, c.pos AS catpos, c.link AS catlnk, c.link_type AS cattype FROM cms_modules_links AS l LEFT JOIN cms_modules_cat c ON (c.cid = l.cat_id)


* 0.0012 - LINE 119: SELECT bid, bposition, bkey, title, content, url, blockfile, view, refresh, time FROM cms_blocks WHERE active='1' ORDER BY weight ASC


* 0.0009 - LINE 39: SELECT custom_title FROM cms_modules WHERE title='CPGNuCalendar'
* 0.0008 - LINE 131: SELECT eid, date, name, description FROM cms_cpgnucalendar_repeat_desc WHERE date >= 20080305 AND date <= 20080325
* 0.0008 - LINE 165: SELECT eid, date FROM cms_cpgnucalendar_repeat_cancel WHERE date >= 20080305 AND date <= 20080325
* 0.0028 - LINE 254: SELECT cms_cpgnucalendar.eid, date, time, duration, priority, view, name, description, image, category , cms_cpgnucalendar_repeat.type, end, frequency, days FROM cms_cpgnucalendar, cms_cpgnucalendar_repeat WHERE cms_cpgnucalendar.eid = cms_cpgnucalendar_repeat.eid AND (view in (0,2)) AND (approved > 0 or creator = 'Anonymous') ORDER BY priority desc, time, cms_cpgnucalendar.eid
* 0.0011 - LINE 254: SELECT cms_cpgnucalendar.eid, date, time, duration, priority, view, name, description, image, category FROM cms_cpgnucalendar WHERE cms_cpgnucalendar.date >= 20080305 AND cms_cpgnucalendar.date <= 20080325 AND (view in (0,2)) AND (approved > 0 or creator = 'Anonymous') ORDER BY priority desc, time, cms_cpgnucalendar.eid
* 0.0009 - LINE 76: SELECT catid, title, image, priority, display FROM cms_cpgnucalendar_categories order by title


* 0.0009 - LINE 27: SELECT poll_id, poll_title, voters FROM cms_poll_desc WHERE artid=0 ORDER BY poll_id DESC LIMIT 0,1


* 0.0012 - LINE 29: SELECT s.uname, s.module, s.url, u.user_allow_viewonline FROM cms_session AS s LEFT JOIN cms_users AS u ON u.username=s.uname WHERE guest=0 OR guest=2 ORDER BY s.uname
* 0.001 - LINE 30: SELECT uname, module, url FROM cms_session WHERE guest=1 OR guest=3
* 0.0009 - LINE 97: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cms_users WHERE user_regdate>='1204668000'
* 0.001 - LINE 98: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cms_users WHERE user_regdate<'1204668000' AND user_regdate>='1204581600'
* 0.0026 - LINE 99: SELECT username FROM cms_users WHERE user_active = 1 AND user_level > 0 ORDER BY user_id DESC LIMIT 1
* 0.0012 - LINE 100: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cms_users WHERE user_id > 1 AND user_level > 0
* 0.0011 - LINE 125: SELECT a.uname, u.user_id FROM cms_session AS a LEFT JOIN cms_users AS u ON u.username = a.uname WHERE guest = 2 ORDER BY a.uname


* 0.0015 - LINE 51: SELECT m.title as link, m.custom_title as title, m.view, m.active, m.inmenu, m.cat_id, c.name, c.image, c.pos AS catpos, c.link AS catlnk, c.link_type AS cattype FROM cms_modules AS m LEFT JOIN cms_modules_cat c ON (c.cid = m.cat_id) ORDER BY m.pos
* 0.0013 - LINE 61: SELECT l.title, l.link, l.link_type, l.view, l.active, l.cat_id, c.name, c.image, c.pos AS catpos, c.link AS catlnk, c.link_type AS cattype FROM cms_modules_links AS l LEFT JOIN cms_modules_cat c ON (c.cid = l.cat_id) ORDER BY l.pos


* 0.0009 - LINE 31: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cms_cpgnucalendar WHERE approved=0


* 0.0007 - LINE 20: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cms_downloads_broken
* 0.001 - LINE 21: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cms_downloads_downloads WHERE active=2


* 0.0007 - LINE 19: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cms_queue


* 0.0008 - LINE 19: SELECT prefix FROM cms_cpg_installs WHERE dirname = 'coppermine'
* 0.0008 - LINE 20: SELECT dirname FROM cms_cpg_installs WHERE cpg_id=1
* 0.0011 - LINE 22: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cms_cpg_pictures WHERE approved=0


* 0.0008 - LINE 74: SELECT prefix, dirname FROM cms_cpg_installs ORDER BY cpg_id


* 0.001 - LINE 52: SELECT * FROM cms_cpg_config
* 0.001 - LINE 72: SELECT * FROM cms_cpg_usergroups WHERE group_id = 3


* 0.001 - LINE 37: SELECT custom_title FROM cms_modules WHERE title='coppermine'
* 0.001 - LINE 50: SELECT count(*) FROM cms_cpg_pictures WHERE approved=0


* 0.0007 - LINE 96: SELECT count(*) FROM cms_cpg_albums
* 0.0008 - LINE 96: SELECT count(*) FROM cms_cpg_pictures
* 0.001 - LINE 96: SELECT sum(hits) FROM cms_cpg_pictures
* 0.0016 - LINE 96: SELECT sum(votes) FROM cms_cpg_pictures
* 0.0007 - LINE 96: SELECT count(*) FROM cms_cpg_comments


* 0.0011 - LINE 34: UPDATE cms_counter SET count=count+1 WHERE (var='Firefox' AND type='browser') OR (var='Linux' AND type='os')
* 0.0009 - LINE 35: UPDATE cms_stats_hour SET hits=hits+1 WHERE (year='2008') AND (month='03') AND (date='05') AND (hour='12')


* 0.001 - LINE 27: SELECT mid, title, content, date, expire, view FROM cms_message WHERE active='1' ORDER BY date DESC


* 0.0494 - LINE 57: SELECT t.topic_id, t.topic_last_post_id, t.topic_title, f.forum_name, f.forum_id, u.username, u.user_id, p.poster_id, p.post_time FROM (cms_bbtopics t, cms_bbforums f) LEFT JOIN cms_bbposts p ON (p.post_id = t.topic_last_post_id) LEFT JOIN cms_users u ON (u.user_id = p.poster_id) WHERE t.forum_id=f.forum_id ORDER BY t.topic_last_post_id DESC LIMIT 10


* 0.0008 - LINE 20: SELECT * FROM cms_autonews WHERE time<=1204712582


* 0.001 - LINE 37: SELECT * FROM cms_shoutblock ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10


* 0.001 - LINE 81: SELECT view FROM cms_modules WHERE title='Teamspeak'


* CMS Notice line 145: sendmail_from: webmaster@wdef-gilde.de


* Notice line 60: Undefined offset: 2


* Notice line 141: Constant _CALSTARTTIME already defined
* Notice line 142: Constant _CALENDTIME already defined
* Notice line 171: Constant _CALDELETE already defined
* Notice line 174: Constant _CALWAITING already defined


* Notice line 55: Undefined index: item_stats
* Notice line 63: Undefined index: item_stats
* Notice line 73: Undefined index: item_stats
* Notice line 85: Undefined index: item_stats
* Notice line 95: Undefined index: item_stats
* Notice line 127: Undefined index: item_stats
* Notice line 136: Undefined index: item_stats
* Notice line 140: Undefined index: item_stats
* Notice line 141: Undefined index: item_stats
Last edited by BaronM on Wed Mar 05, 2008 6:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.
WR.net Apprentice
WR.net Apprentice
Posts: 5
Joined: Sun Aug 20, 2006 2:29 pm

Re: Login not possible

Postby BaronM » Wed Mar 05, 2008 7:28 pm

Problem solved - Don't ask me how. Somewhat between deleting the cache (Browser & CMS), restoring the last webspace backup and restarting apache.

WR.net Apprentice
WR.net Apprentice
Posts: 5
Joined: Sun Aug 20, 2006 2:29 pm

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