A few odd issues....

Addons for WoWRosterDF

A few odd issues....

Postby ArcAiN6 » Tue Mar 11, 2008 12:56 pm

For some reason everytime a user uploads thier character profile to the website, it complains of a database error, but it still updates.

Has anyone else had this problem? If so, how did you solve it.

Also within the roster, some items on the char's page doesn't have an icon for it. is there an updated set of icons? or an " update " package with just the missing icons?
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A few odd issues....

Postby PleegWat » Tue Mar 11, 2008 4:37 pm

It's probably partway done when it errors out.

Please supply the error message.
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A few odd issues....

Postby ArcAiN6 » Wed Mar 12, 2008 2:49 pm

Yea, that's the thing, no error messages other than it saying that a database error has occured and the webmaster has been notified. No notification forthcoming, and no error messages when i use debug...
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A few odd issues....

Postby PleegWat » Wed Mar 12, 2008 2:56 pm

Oh, damn, right, DF. Thinks users can't know the DB errors.

Doesn't it show the error if you're logged in as admin? Otherwise only tip I can give is setting up the admin mail stuff so it really does mail the admin. Or anax may have a tip.
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A few odd issues....

Postby hades200082 » Wed Apr 23, 2008 12:20 am

I've had this issue too.. error message received via email is as follows

On /WoWRosterDF/update.html
While executing query "INSERT INTO `cms_wowrosterdf_roster_items` SET `member_id` = '572', `item_name` = 'Crusader Bow of Spirit', `item_parent` = 'equip', `item_slot` = 'Ranged', `item_color` = '1eff00', `item_id` = '15287:0:0:0:0:0:134:-1706543900', `item_texture` = 'Interface/Icons/INV_Weapon_Bow_02', `item_tooltip` = 'Crusader Bow of Spirit\nSoulbound\nRanged Bow\n41 - 77 Damage Speed 2.20\n(26.8 damage per second)\n|cffffffff+6 Spirit|r\nDurability 65 / 65\nRequires Level 40', `level` = '40', `item_quantity` = '1'"

the following error occured: Duplicate entry '572-equip-Ranged' for key 1

In: /home/sitename/modules/WoWRosterDF/lib/wowdb.php on line: 96

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