empty password

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empty password

Postby valoris » Sat May 10, 2008 9:36 am

I keep getting this error when trying the Sig gen link and in the settings i cant set this

No...you can't have an empty password
What's the point of having an empty password?

I'm sorry, but you need some kind of a password set in Roster Config to get in

any clue what the default password is so i can change it?
Last edited by valoris on Sat May 10, 2008 9:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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empty password

Postby Anaxent » Sat May 10, 2008 10:43 am

The default password is "admin" please change this asap as all know now....
I should have DF/Roster auth ready sometime soon.
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Re: empty password

Postby valoris » Sat May 10, 2008 8:03 pm

Anaxent wrote:The default password is "admin" please change this asap as all know now....
I should have DF/Roster auth ready sometime soon.

Old password was incorrect, password not changed
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Re: empty password

Postby tuigii » Sat May 10, 2008 9:31 pm

If you lost a roster password, no panic.

If you are the roster admin-owner then the problem boils down to knowing how to cut & paste.

Connect yourself with the help of phpmyadmin, and take the first table named (prefix)accounts. The prefix part is the one that you chose when you installed the roster. All roster tables share this prefix.

In this table, there are 3 lines or 'records' :
One for the Guild acces, one fore the Officer and one for the Admin.

Take the actual value of the hash line form Admin away, and safe it somewhere else.

Now, edit the 'admin' line, the hash value and put this password hash in place

Save the record.

The password for the admin in now testtest

Enter, and modify your password back again with the classic procedure.

Voila ^^
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empty password

Postby PleegWat » Sat May 10, 2008 10:25 pm

You can also set a new password directly in phpmyadmin.

- In place of the hash, type the password you want
- To the left, select 'MD5'
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Re: empty password

Postby tuigii » Sun May 11, 2008 1:15 am

PleegWat wrote:You can also set a new password directly in phpmyadmin.

- In place of the hash, type the password you want
- To the left, select 'MD5'

Very nice solution.

Thanks for the tip.
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Re: empty password

Postby valoris » Sun May 11, 2008 1:32 am

PleegWat wrote:You can also set a new password directly in phpmyadmin.

- In place of the hash, type the password you want
- To the left, select 'MD5'

under " cms_wowrosterdf_roster_account" all ic an see is ins fields i cant edit nothing or browse it. but all i can edit are the fields that say: Account_id, name, and hash as a field name thats all i see

can you make a sql query for me to use?
maybe im just missing it <shrug>
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empty password

Postby PleegWat » Sun May 11, 2008 1:56 am

You need the 'hash' column.
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empty password

Postby valoris » Sun May 11, 2008 11:35 pm

okay so i gave up i removed that version( came with rosterdf)

i upped the new one 0.2.6 now when i goto siggen config all i see iss a version number and when i goto my profile all shows is links to use for sig and avatar but when i try to use nothing then i get renail with thsi in it:

On /index.php?name=WoWRosterDF&file=addon&roster_addon_name=siggen&mode=avatar&member=Valoris&saveonly=0
While executing query "SELECT * FROM `cms_wowrosterdf_roster_addon_siggen` WHERE `config_id` LIKE 'avatar';"

the following error occured: Table 'dragonfly.cms_wowrosterdf_roster_addon_siggen' doesn't exist

In: /var/www/html/modules/WoWRosterDF/lib/wowdb.php on line: 96

Guest information:
User id: 2
Username: Valoris
Admin: No


On /index.php?name=WoWRosterDF&file=addon&roster_addon_name=siggen&mode=signature&member=Valoris&saveonly=0
While executing query "SELECT * FROM `cms_wowrosterdf_roster_addon_siggen` WHERE `config_id` LIKE 'signature';"

the following error occured: Table 'dragonfly.cms_wowrosterdf_roster_addon_siggen' doesn't exist

In: /var/www/html/modules/WoWRosterDF/lib/wowdb.php on line: 96

Guest information:
User id: 2
Username: Valoris
Admin: No

under my sql under users for my DF im olisted as a admin for roster DF but the "cms_wowrosterdf_roster_account" theres nor "records" for me to edit ..
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empty password

Postby valoris » Sun May 11, 2008 11:38 pm

valoris wrote:okay so i gave up i removed that version( came with rosterdf)

i upped the new one 0.2.6 now when i goto siggen config all i see iss a version number and when i goto my profile all shows is links to use for sig and avatar but when i try to use nothing then i get renail with thsi in it:

On /index.php?name=WoWRosterDF&file=addon&roster_addon_name=siggen&mode=avatar&member=Valoris&saveonly=0
While executing query "SELECT * FROM `cms_wowrosterdf_roster_addon_siggen` WHERE `config_id` LIKE 'avatar';"

the following error occured: Table 'dragonfly.cms_wowrosterdf_roster_addon_siggen' doesn't exist

In: /var/www/html/modules/WoWRosterDF/lib/wowdb.php on line: 96

Guest information:
User id: 2
Username: Valoris
Admin: No


On /index.php?name=WoWRosterDF&file=addon&roster_addon_name=siggen&mode=signature&member=Valoris&saveonly=0
While executing query "SELECT * FROM `cms_wowrosterdf_roster_addon_siggen` WHERE `config_id` LIKE 'signature';"

the following error occured: Table 'dragonfly.cms_wowrosterdf_roster_addon_siggen' doesn't exist

In: /var/www/html/modules/WoWRosterDF/lib/wowdb.php on line: 96

Guest information:
User id: 2
Username: Valoris
Admin: No

under my sql under users for my DF im olisted as a admin for roster DF but the "cms_wowrosterdf_roster_account" theres nor "records" for me to edit ..
I tried to make the cms_wowrosterdf_roster_addon_siggen table but i kept getting errors with rosterdf

can anyone make a sql file for me witht he required information for both cms_wowrosterdf_roster_addon_siggen and cms_wowrosterdf_roster_account
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empty password

Postby zanix » Sun May 11, 2008 11:51 pm

Remove the table, and go to siggen again
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empty password

Postby valoris » Sun May 11, 2008 11:54 pm

i did .. then i see an install button then takes me to a blank page .. i refresh the sql through phpmyadmin and the table is NOT there ans i still get the email error
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