Dead link on the "admin" page & some other stuff...

Data Accuracy issues

Dead link on the "admin" page & some other stuff...

Postby zanix » Tue May 27, 2008 5:03 am

It looks bad in IE6 since the right edge of the icon should fade out, here it fades to white
The reason is that these images are png format and IE6 doesn't handle their alpha transparency, showing white instead

I may put out a file to make the menu look similar to 1.7.3
I say similar because the menu will still need to function the way it does now, with the sections
They don't need to be able to show/hide, but the sections still need to be there, since that is how Roster 2.0 functions

Maybe 3 columns (like 1.7.3) putting each section as a column

Code: Select all
|  Guild   |  Realm   |  Utilities  |
| [button] | [button] | [button]    |
| [button] | [button] | [button]    |
| [button] | [button] |             |
| [button] |          |             |
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Re: Dead link on the "admin" page & some other stuff...

Postby MoreBloodWine » Tue May 27, 2008 5:12 am

zanix wrote:It looks bad in IE6 since the right edge of the icon should fade out, here it fades to white
The reason is that these images are png format and IE6 doesn't handle their alpha transparency, showing white instead

I may put out a file to make the menu look similar to 1.7.3
I say similar because the menu will still need to function the way it does now, with the sections
They don't need to be able to show/hide, but the sections still need to be there, since that is how Roster 2.0 functions

Maybe 3 columns (like 1.7.3) putting each section as a column

Code: Select all
|  Guild   |  Realm   |  Utilities  |
| [button] | [button] | [button]    |
| [button] | [button] | [button]    |
| [button] | [button] |             |
| [button] |          |             |

Isnt that essentially how 1.7.3 is laid out now... and what do you mean function the way it does now because of sections ?
Last edited by MoreBloodWine on Tue May 27, 2008 5:14 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Dead link on the "admin" page & some other stuff...

Postby zanix » Tue May 27, 2008 6:06 am

Well, Roster 2.0 functions using "scopes"
Data handed to an addon via $roster->data is determined by the scope

util => No data is passed, no checking occurs
realm => Data for the selected Realm is passed, error is displayed if Realm does not exist
guild => Data for the selected Guild is passed, error is displayed if Guild does not exist
char => Data for the selected Character is passed, error is displayed if Character does not exist

Any addon installed places links in the menu for certain scopes, so the menu is broken up into sections based on scope

This allows addons to have multiple buttons in the menu without cluttering it up
Addon functions that deal with guild data go into the guild section, functions that deal with characters go into the character section
for an example, PvPLog already uses this functionality as there is a button in the guild section and 3 buttons in the character section

This also allows addons to make their own custom menu sections that are only displayed when viewing that addon
The keys addon makes new buttons to go into its own section when new categories are made

So any design of the menu needs to keep this functionality in mind
Last edited by zanix on Tue May 27, 2008 6:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dead link on the "admin" page & some other stuff...

Postby MoreBloodWine » Tue May 27, 2008 6:59 am

Hmm, they say you learn something new every day. I guess today thats true heh. Thx for that, but ya I hope you do make a "skin" to moel 2.0 after 1.7.3 because I doubt I'm the only one whod like that.
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Re: Dead link on the "admin" page & some other stuff...

Postby MoreBloodWine » Tue May 27, 2008 7:22 am

I wanted to ask an off topic question figured instead of a new topic I could just post it here. What tables need to be wiped to make my roster act as if its a fresh install but leaving everything else in tact. I tried to use the delete member addon but it didnt seem to wana work for me. That and deleteing over 180 people one by one woulda been a big pain in the butt. So ya what tables need to be wiped to get rid of all guild members and associated data ?
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Dead link on the "admin" page & some other stuff...

Postby zanix » Tue May 27, 2008 8:14 am

Use these in PhPMyAdmin

(I'm so glad Roster 2.0 has this ability in the RosterCP)

Get rid of all player data
Code: Select all
TRUNCATE TABLE `roster_buffs`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `roster_items`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `roster_mailbox`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `roster_pets`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `roster_players`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `roster_pvp2`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `roster_quests`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `roster_recipes`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `roster_reputation`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `roster_skills`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `roster_spellbook`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `roster_spellbooktree`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `roster_talents`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `roster_talenttree`;

Get rid of members list and member log
Code: Select all
TRUNCATE TABLE `roster_members`;
TRUNCATE TABLE `roster_memberlog`;

Get rid of Guild data
Code: Select all
TRUNCATE TABLE `roster_guild`;
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