Karma History for [Roster 2.0]

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Karma History for [Roster 2.0]

Postby zanix » Sun Jun 01, 2008 6:23 am

I have a few comments immediately viewing this addon

short tags
In lua2phparray.php, you have a short tag <?
This needs to be<?php, many web servers turn off short tags
http://www.wowroster.net/MediaWiki/Addo ... f_an_AddOn

end tags
you have a few files with ?> at the end, with white space following
You do not need to include the ?> at the end of a file
This is will also prevent "headers not sent" errors

lua->php parsing
It looks like you are using a different lua->php parser than Roster's
You are also using a custom lua update page
Roster 2.0 provides a much better update hook system than 1.7.3 even allowing additional lua files for upload parsing
http://www.wowroster.net/MediaWiki/Addo ... pdate_Hook
Look at how pvplog uses update hook to accept pvplog.lua

Building a menu
As an alternative, you can add menu panes to the Roster menu instead of making your own, then add your buttons to the new pane
http://www.wowroster.net/MediaWiki/Addo ... nu_Entries

There are many, many html errors, but I'm only going to mention a few critical ones
You have <link> and <script> tags in the html body
Try passing these strings to $roster->output['html_head']

File Paths
You are using some hard coded paths, such as the link to the img/ dir and links to pages
Use makelink() and $roster->config variables for these
Also files are being included without using the path variables for addons
For maximum compatibility when an addon is running in a ported Roster, you should use these
http://www.wowroster.net/MediaWiki/Addo ... for_AddOns

Roster DB Layer
Your update code does not use the Roster DB layer, this is the only place I really looked
This can be solved by using the update hook system

There is more, but I wanted to get this down before I forget

Can you also give me some data to upload?
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Karma History for [Roster 2.0]

Postby zanix » Sun Jun 01, 2008 6:41 am

I'm kinda bored so I'm working on some fixes, I'll post them soonish
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Re: Karma History for [Roster 2.0]

Postby Tennessee » Sun Jun 01, 2008 6:48 am

sweet i just sent ya a pm with the lua's to try the update part.
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Re: Karma History for [Roster 2.0]

Postby Tennessee » Sun Jun 01, 2008 7:14 am

end tags
make sure i have this right

$something = 0;
//do something else
// page ends and we dont include the ?>

know for the lua->php parsing
i was useing the 1.7.3 till i wanted to save the data to the key that was in the file some how it didnt do this.

lets say u have 110 keys for some1 and you wanted to shorting up your lua file to lets say only kepting keys from 100 - 110 and deleting the rest to have a small lua file in cash when playing wow.
Because this program only writes the file when u reload ui or exit the game .so when its update time u pick up at the last key and carry on saving the keys allready in there if there are 5 new keys like 111 - 115 it will only write thos to the database this is a option i gave ppl because it will alowe for a faster update time and a clean slay if u want to wipe everything.
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Karma History for [Roster 2.0]

Postby zanix » Sun Jun 01, 2008 7:28 am

I will look at your update process more to see if it can just be moved over to Roster's parser
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Re: Karma History for [Roster 2.0]

Postby Tennessee » Sun Jun 01, 2008 7:49 am

sounds good i was looking more into that
and adding my buttons to that pane.
but this will center the page up and kill the left div i have for the guildrank and class count. maybe i can have a drop down showing this info. to better center the page. hay that sounds good :p.
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Karma History for [Roster 2.0]

Postby zanix » Sun Jun 01, 2008 9:17 am

I just sent you some files
Check your PM
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Karma History for [Roster 2.0]

Postby PleegWat » Sun Jun 01, 2008 4:47 pm

The query error looks like the one for the menu level/class overviews. Specifically, when the alt settings for the menu are blank. I'll look into that, it's most probably a bug.

If your local server shows errors and the real one doesn't, and they're PHP errors, then the real one is probably suppressing the error messages. They're still there, just not being shown.
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Re: Karma History for [Roster 2.0]

Postby Tennessee » Sun Jun 01, 2008 7:58 pm

ahh i see zanix made a lot of major adjustments to it last night ill upload it and have it up for a dl in a sec.
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Re: Karma History for [Roster 2.0]

Postby Tennessee » Sun Jun 01, 2008 11:51 pm

ok i think i have it done im addin 1 more thing to the config and it will be set i hope
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Karma History for [Roster 2.0]

Postby Anaxent » Wed Jun 04, 2008 3:18 am

So does this addon require anything other then the wow addon ni_karma for instance do we also need to install the NKS website tool or is that all built right into the roster addon. I have installed the addon and noticed that you have your own lua upload area rather than using roster update_hook and saw with in the addon config area I see there was a section to add in the database name for the ni_karma install, can this data not be installed into roster data tables?
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Re: Karma History for [Roster 2.0]

Postby Tennessee » Wed Jun 04, 2008 11:47 am

when u start using the ni_karma u will need to make a database name to start storing loot, point data and what not. this name is the name for the database setting in the config. u can use there web site tool or this roster addon to show only guild members and it gives you a run down on your current lua file if u want to edit out the non guild members that left or droped. as for the hook i didnt really look into that much i need to refine up the html, i may see if i can use the update hook then.
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Karma History for [Roster 2.0]

Postby Anaxent » Thu Jun 05, 2008 3:54 am

Ok so with that said we could use the roster db for storing the items which would tell me we could build the creation for them tables with in the addon installer file so there would be no need to change the db setting but maybe instead to have an option to use a different db
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