doesn't list all entries in the ni_karma.lua

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doesn't list all entries in the ni_karma.lua

Postby demincia » Sat Jul 19, 2008 3:13 am

So i'm using this addon on my site. When i select current karma it lists about 38 of the members from my ni_karma.lua. However there are over 100 members listed in this file.

If i go to full history, i can search on the members not listed under current karma and all of their entries are there.

I'm not getting any errors, i turned debugging on and it is complaining about some of the item looting that didn't have a valid item id, but some of the members listed under current karma have those kinds of entries.

please help. I want to use this tool, but my guildies are complaining they can't see how much karma they currently have.
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Re: doesn't list all entries in the ni_karma.lua

Postby demincia » Thu Jul 31, 2008 2:49 am

Ok i'm deffinately having issues with this tool

Before it simply didn't list everyone under the current karma history (this still is a problem and even more so now) however now it not only doesn't list everyone, but it also does the following.

Search filters on the karma database no longer work, defaults back to the full karma history page with no filters.

attempts to upload the ni_karma.lua report errors for members that it says are not in the list of guild members even though they most certainly are. I tried refreshing with guild profiler, ensured these members were on the roster, however karma history still rejects them.

"egg is not in the list of guild members so their data will not be inserted."

I tried setting karma history to "clear item history" and "clear player history" this doesn't correct the problem either.

Essentially until there's some light shed on this tool and the problems i'm having it's completely worthless to me. does noone else use this?

I'm using Roster version 2.0.0 and karma history 2.0.2

you're free to go take a look:
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doesn't list all entries in the ni_karma.lua

Postby zanix » Thu Jul 31, 2008 6:11 am

I figured Tennessee would have responded by now

I don't use this as I don't play WoW that much
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Re: doesn't list all entries in the ni_karma.lua

Postby Tennessee » Thu Jul 31, 2008 10:10 am

sorry been on vac.. ill take a look at it
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Re: doesn't list all entries in the ni_karma.lua

Postby Tennessee » Fri Aug 15, 2008 3:24 am

do u have more than 1 guild in your roster. make sure your in the right guild when updating. and it willnot update thos that left guild
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