Battleground data

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Battleground data

Postby Spartans » Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:28 pm

As a GM of a large PVP guild on Cho'gall I have used an addon for a long time called Honor Kills Counter ( This is a very nice addon that tracks all of the battlegrounds and Arenas I run. Check out this addon for how nicely laid out the tables are for the battleground data. I would like to have something similar with PVP Log. As a large PVP guild, the ability for us to post our battleground premade history on our websote including wins/losses would be very nice.
Last edited by Spartans on Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Battleground data

Postby bsmorgan » Thu Aug 14, 2008 1:25 am

Spartans wrote:As a GM of a large PVP guild on Cho'gall I have used an addon for a long time called Honor Kills Counter ( This is a very nice addon that tracks all of the battlegrounds and Arenas I run. Check out this addon for how nicely laid out the tables are for the battleground data.

Nice Addon.

Spartans wrote:I would like to have something similar with PVP Log. As a large PVP guild, the ability for us to post our battleground premade history on our websote including wins/losses would be very nice.

PvPLog collects individual kills and deaths via the combat log and WoWRoster contains support for uploading this data into the web-based Roster. The battleground and arena data is captured very differently from the data that PvPLog captures. I have no plans to capture the battleground and arena data within PvPLog.

I believe you are asking for similar support from WowRoster for the data collected by Honor Kills Counter. If so, you should post your request in the General Support & Feedback forum. As WoWRoster supports addons, it should also be possible to write your own addon to parse this data. Perhaps the author of Honor Kills Counter would be interested in contributing to the addon.

If I didn't understand your question, then please post again with more details of what you would like PvPLog to do.


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