When its welcome here the new localisaton:
- Code: Select all
$wordings['deDE']['title'] = 'Rezepte Rechner';
$wordings['deDE']['itemdescription'] = 'Beschreibung:';
$wordings['deDE']['whocanmakeit'] = 'Wer kann es herstellen';
$wordings['deDE']['dnotpopulatelist'] = 'Nicht in Liste';
$wordings['deDE']['applybutton']= 'Start';
$wordings['deDE']['recp_not_exist']= 'Sie haben ein nicht existierendes Rezept ausgewählt, bitte versuchen sie es erneut';
$wordings['deDE']['recp_not_exist_title'] = 'Rezepte Rechner - Rezept existiert nicht';
$wordings['deDE']['recp_calc'] = 'Rechner';
$wordings['deDE']['recp_amount'] = 'Menge';
$wordings['deDE']['recp_reagent'] = 'Reagenz';
$wordings['deDE']['recp_reagents'] = 'Reagenzien';
$wordings['deDE']['recp_count'] = 'Berechnung';
I changed my char.php, recipe.php and recipeList.php as mentioned above.
With recipe Addon it will start the Calculator with Recipe overwiev in Character it will not start.
When in Calculator I could not calculate the Recipes.
In Headline the Error is:
Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /home/www/web502/html/wowroster/addons/recipecalc/recipecalc.php on line 296
here the link to my roster:
I make the changes twice but maybe I oversaw something