Identifying an Alt?

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Identifying an Alt?

Postby Shadow_Wolf » Mon Nov 17, 2008 5:35 am

Is the only way to link mains to alts through the Officer Notes and Notes? We currently use those for other information...

Is there a way I can manually do this through WoWRoster instead of it relying on in game character notes?
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Identifying an Alt?

Postby PleegWat » Mon Nov 17, 2008 6:17 am

There's another option to determine it per upload. However, that one causes trouble if you use NetherPanel or similar uploaders that split the CP.lua into per-member uploads.
The way that mechanism works is by grouping all members in that upload to one main. The main is determined by taking the highest member, first by guild rank then by level.
I'm afraid I didn't account for a mechanism to turn normal scanning off, but it should be able to construct something that never matches. The per-upload alt detection overrides the normal regex one.
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Re: Identifying an Alt?

Postby Shadow_Wolf » Mon Nov 17, 2008 8:30 am

Ok I've made some changes to Officer notes so currently it shows one of the following:

Main-(player real name)
Alt-[main character name] (player real name)
Alt-[main character name]


Alt-Dearic (Jason)

So far it recognizes the main/alt relation on the ones that don't have a player name listed in parenthesis. If it happens to have their real name listed in parenthesis it doesn't recognize the main/alt relation.

Any way to fix that?

I have tried: /Alt-([\w]+) and /Alt-([\w]+)\i
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Re: Identifying an Alt?

Postby tuigii » Mon Nov 17, 2008 2:45 pm

Parenthesis in reg. expressions are control characters.
If you need to match them, please doc yourself with the syntax about how to do so.

It will be something like

Note that you COULD scan for a a match that trips on Alt-xxx and Main-xxx so the reg ex. will yield xxx as the main char, but why complicate ?

I use this : /(\(Alt\)) ([\pL]+)/i
I scan in the public note so any one can see it IG, making it more easier for big Guilds to see who belongs to who for eveyone...
Also : Use match 2
Main Identifier = empty
No result invalid result = "Main"
This means that something like "(Alt) Nowwhat test 1 test 2" makes this char a Alt of "Nowwhat"
This : "(Main) Nowwhat test 1 test 2" or even "(Main) test 1 test 2 test 3" or "bla bla whatever test 1 test 2" will match nothing, so it's a main.
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Re: Identifying an Alt?

Postby Shadow_Wolf » Tue Nov 18, 2008 2:15 am

Ok... I think I understood about 50% of that. So your saying that parenthesis are control characters, but I'm not trying to match those at all. Anything in parenthesis I don't even want it to look at. We put our players real names in the parenthesis.

I was reading the Wiki again trying to understand how it works this seems what I'm after:
# /ALT-([\w]+)/: The first word starting with ALT-. The main's name is the part after that.

* Example: 'Alchemist ALT-Azyplagat'

I want it to match the first word after Alt- with the main's name. I have mine set as "Alt-", does it have to be "ALT-" in order for the matching to work properly?

Also when I put Main, do I have to put the Main characters name for it to classify that character as a main or is just Main enough to trigger that?
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Identifying an Alt?

Postby PleegWat » Tue Nov 18, 2008 6:10 am

In your case, your regex will not match at all on a main character. So just set 'no main match' to 'main'.

The regex you need to use is
Code: Select all

Note you were missing the trailing /i. The i in that is optional (stands for case-insensitive), but the / is required.
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Identifying an Alt?

Postby Shadow_Wolf » Wed Nov 19, 2008 1:08 am

I must be doing something wrong then. I tried that, did Member List -> Update Relations and it still isn't relating the alts to the mains. I have the following set up for Member List -> Main/Alt Relations:

Regex: /Alt-([\w]+)/i
Apply on field: Officer Note
Use match no: 2
Main identifier: Main
No result: Main
Invalid result: Main
Alt of Alt: Set as Main
Update type: Both

In officer notes I have tried both of the following methods with two different sets of main/alts in the guild to see which one would relate properly.

Main Character name is Zorack with his two alts. He has the following set in his officer notes for his Main and the two alts as listed below::

Main- (Jason)
Alt-Zorack (Jason)
Alt-Zorack (Jason)

Main Character name is Trista with her two alts. She has the following set in her officer notes for her Main and the two alts as listed below:

Main - (Bri)
Alt-Trista (Bri)
Alt-Trista (Bri)
Last edited by Shadow_Wolf on Wed Nov 19, 2008 1:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Identifying an Alt?

Postby zanix » Wed Nov 19, 2008 10:03 am

Use match no to 1, since the first set of parenthesis is what you are matching

Also, make sure the per-guild settings are either set to use the global setting, or set with the same info
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Identifying an Alt?

Postby Shadow_Wolf » Thu Nov 20, 2008 1:19 am

Great, that seems to be working. Thank you.
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