Duplicate key with 2.0.1

CharacterProfiler.lua file uploading issues

Duplicate key with 2.0.1

Postby Slipfoot » Wed Nov 26, 2008 1:30 pm

Hello y'all,

even with 2.0.1 I received a duplicate key error while trying to upload via the web interface.

1062: Duplicate entry '494-Blitzschnell' for key 1
INSERT INTO `roster_20buffs` SET `member_id` = '494', `name` = 'Blitzschnell', `icon` = 'spell_nature_unrelentingstorm', `tooltip` = 'Blitzschnell\nBeweglichkeit um 120 und Angriffstempo geringfügig erhöht.\nNoch 2 Sekunden'
File: lib/dbal/mysql.php
Line: 234

I checked and identified as reason for this failing insert mongoose buffs being active on both onehand weapons which for the second one caused this error. Editing 'characterprofiler.lua' and deleting the second block makes no problems when uploading.

Now I'm not sure if this should be handled by CharacterProfiler while generating the upload file or has this to be fixed in WoWRoster's import routine?

thx for reading
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Duplicate key with 2.0.1

Postby zanix » Wed Nov 26, 2008 1:48 pm

Never expected 2 buffs with the same name

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Duplicate key with 2.0.1

Postby Derif » Fri Dec 05, 2008 10:41 am

If your looking for other examples (I imagine not, but I'll share), Boomkin and Tree's have the same issue.

["Name"] = "Tree of Life",
["Tooltip"] = "Tree of Life<br>Increases healing received by 6%.",
["Icon"] = "Ability_Druid_TreeofLife",
["Rank"] = "Passive",
}, -- [4]
["Name"] = "Tree of Life",
["Tooltip"] = "Tree of Life<br>Immune to Polymorph effects.",
["Icon"] = "Ability_Druid_TreeofLife",
["Rank"] = "Shapeshift",
}, -- [5]
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