WoWRoster for Drupal 6. Anyone?

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WoWRoster for Drupal 6. Anyone?

Postby lindsay » Thu Mar 12, 2009 6:16 am

I run my guild website with Drupal and recently implemented WoWRoster. It's pretty awesome.

I was just wondering if anyone was entertaining thoughts of integrating it with Drupal. I can't code it myself, but I am very willing to do testing or documentation for such a project.

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WoWRoster for Drupal 6. Anyone?

Postby zanix » Thu Mar 12, 2009 9:12 am

What's a Drupal?

Just kidding, in the fall I will be taking a class in php and we will be working on Drupal for...something, I don't know yet

So perhaps I may be able to squeeze in a Drupal port for Roster

Don't count on it though, just in case I'm too busy (like I have been for the last 6 months)
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