Error char/index.php on line 61

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Re: Error char/index.php on line 61

Postby Ulminia » Thu Nov 12, 2009 4:23 pm

still worken on it achivements uses a new xml codeing that our xml phasor hasent been updated for yet so it takes some time ... i am working on it i hope to have something by monday ...
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Re: Error char/index.php on line 61

Postby Ulminia » Fri Nov 13, 2009 8:11 am

ok your error for line 61 means nothinen in the db....

but the good news is (and the bad for me ) i spent 3 hours fixing achivements addon for roster but (the bad) my gf is mad at me ... lol svn 477 is updated and should work .... adding the new armory.class.php file that has to be in your roster/lib folder for this to work right .... i also sugest updating one character at a time...
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Re: Error char/index.php on line 61

Postby GemDog » Sun Feb 14, 2010 8:00 pm

ok , i have the same issue
Fatal error: Cannot use string offset as an array in /home/injustic/public_html/roster/addons/achivements/char/index.php on line 61

an it is mentioned it was fixed, svn 477? where do i find this?

Roster 2.02
the .php file in the .rar was older much than the one i had 12/17/08 vs existing 3/3/09, i didn't want to mess up the working roster.

Please advise if i should over write this or is there a newer one?

Edit: ok i manned up and did it, still epic fail, went back to the original file 3/3/09
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Re: Error char/index.php on line 61

Postby zanix » Sun Feb 14, 2010 9:07 pm

Here is some info on our SVN repositories

Google 'subversion' and read up on how to checkout from a SVN repository
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Re: Error char/index.php on line 61

Postby Ulminia » Mon Feb 15, 2010 2:18 am

wait for beta i think we are getten achievements in to the core of the roster since we can get them with cp now ...
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Re: Error char/index.php on line 61

Postby GemDog » Mon Feb 15, 2010 2:43 am

Sure, will do, in the mean time i learned per the above, how to get the SVN's i must say thats a little above my pay grade :scratch: but it sure was fun @zanix
so i grabbed the progression addon instaed, well .... i got it installed and it looks good, will you add the upper Raids also @ulminia?

edit:posted questions for Progression in proper forum.

@zanix... thanks for the experience, seriously that was intense for me :glad:
I only have 31 days in the software so i will be here a
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Re: Error char/index.php on line 61

Postby zanix » Tue Feb 16, 2010 1:09 am

31 days left for what software?
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Re: Error char/index.php on line 61

Postby GemDog » Tue Feb 16, 2010 2:08 am

its ok i guess, once i got it to work... if you have something better by all means point the way, my brain hurts from the learning curve and now i am blind in one eye from all the reading. :pirate:

i popped the files in the server, installed the addon and got some errors and some weird stuff "white screens of noob'ness" big deal, i can wait for the finished product, unless you were wanting me to beta run it for you then i can re-enable it and cut/paste the errors for all of you? just let me know.
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Re: Error char/index.php on line 61

Postby zanix » Tue Feb 16, 2010 2:47 am


If you really feel like some minor beta testing, go right ahead
Until we get the beta section up and ready, post in the main general support section of the forum
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Re: Error char/index.php on line 61

Postby GemDog » Tue Feb 16, 2010 6:55 pm

neat, thanks!

As for the beta testing, well i think after posting my results in the "wrong spot" i will just keep to my self and learn everything i can. perhaps one day i will know 1/2 of what some of you know in regards to the roster/addons coding.

the cp svn works except i had an issue with the rep calling. it only shows expandable at war with.

I didn't get to redo the achievements yet, i think ill do it later.

@zanix, thanks again
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