Default icon location in Utils?

A TeamSpeak 2 server monitor addon based on gllcTS2, and Ventrilo server monitor

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Default icon location in Utils?

Postby AnthonyB » Mon Sep 07, 2009 1:25 pm

Just some feedback ion the default location of the addon's icon in the utils bar.

This seemed quite odd to me. Even though it is a util, that bar is usually collapsed by default sand to me it makes more sense it be on the guild bar, or at worse, realm bar.

Just my 2c.
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Re: Default icon location in Utils?

Postby mdeshane » Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:03 pm

I believe I went with the util scope because of unrestricted access. The addon never really uses anything dealing with characters, guilds, or realms and data transactions would be limited in those scopes. But I see your point. Maybe I could add a menu link in the guild scope and use a little redirection, maybe even some multi ts/vent features later that would allow different servers to be set per guild or realm.
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