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What is Going On Here?

Postby zanix » Sun Nov 15, 2009 11:23 pm

You may have noticed we are slow on the updates and not much news has come out about WoWRoster, UniUploader, or UniAdmin

It's not because we don't care about this community any more, or that we have moved on to other projects. It's because we just don't have time.
I have been working and attending college both full time for the last 1.5 years, and that leave little to no time to work on WoWRoster.
I can't speak for the other devs, but I do not want to leave this project behind.

Calystos has been working on UniUploader and UniAdmin and is even planning on a complete rewrite of UniUploader since the interface has become overwhelming. UA and UU are also getting support for officer only addons (already supported in the SVN builds).

As for myself, I have many ideas I would like to implement. The downloads section here is non existent since the move and I haven't had time to fix it.

On that note, I want to do something about this problem of having no time to work on our projects here.
I would like to ask if anyone is interested in contributing to our projects in a more official way, please send me a PM.
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Re: What is Going On Here?

Postby Ulminia » Mon Nov 16, 2009 2:21 am

i havent stoped work when i have spair time i plug away at it i work full time my shifts suck and my gf takes a lot of time but i do my best to do what i can to the roster we have made many leaps and bounds but things grinded to a slow crall a months or so ago ...september slowed us up lol
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Re: What is Going On Here?

Postby Anaxent » Tue Nov 17, 2009 2:24 am

I as well have not given up on the WoWRoster community. Time is and always will be probably the most valuable resource in life with that said work has taken most of it from me.
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Re: What is Going On Here?

Postby Calystos » Tue Nov 17, 2009 4:57 pm

Anyone invented a time trap bubble so we can just pop inside and the world outside will be put on pause so we can get some coding done, lol.
So much to do, so little time to do it in...

And yeah, I've got lotsa plans for UU and UA. Just a case of getting the time to actually sit down an get on with it, :(

Slowly but surely we'll get there in the end, :D
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Re: What is Going On Here?

Postby Adric » Sat Nov 21, 2009 9:49 pm

im just waiting on some more behind the scenes work to be completed, then i can continue tweeking the appearance.
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Re: What is Going On Here?

Postby mdeshane » Fri Dec 04, 2009 10:48 pm

I haven't given up yet either. Just forgot what I was doing... Have a new baby on the way and have been taking care of my step-daughter everyday. I try to get a little coding done here and there but have a few other projects I've been working on (not WoWRoster related). I'll keep working to get a final version of Accounts out, especially now that I've figured out AJAX. Once I figure out where I left off on GuildSpeak I'll work on getting a beta version out. But from the sounds of it, we're all a little strapped for time.
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Re: What is Going On Here?

Postby Ulminia » Sat Dec 05, 2009 3:43 am

well some updates ... the new talent paser for roster is up and runnen and zanix is happy with it ( woot for me ) now we have a new feature in roster that i hope to expand in the weeks and months ahead "Armory Data MGT" this feature is used at this point to grab updated talent info from the wow armory for use with our new paser soon ial add more to this in the future :)
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