[485] Fatal error: Call to undefined method RosterArmory::fe

Displays character achievements

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[485] Fatal error: Call to undefined method RosterArmory::fe

Postby AnthonyB » Sat Nov 21, 2009 2:36 pm

Having now successfully installed Achievements addon, when running ArmorySync I get the following error on the first character it tries to sync:

Code: Select all
talent file loaded
Holy Active 1

end return..--503501500210130531005152215000000000000000000000000005032020000000000000000000 ++ 1
Holy Active 1

end return..-- ++ 1
Array ( [0] => [1] => US )
Fatal error: Call to undefined method RosterArmory::fetchArmorya() in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\roster\addons\achivements\inc\update_hook.php on line 169

Line 169 is
Code: Select all
$r = $armory->fetchArmorya( $type = '12', $character =$char['Name'], $guild = false, $realm = $char['Server'], $item_id = $cat,$fetch_type = 'array' );//getArmoryDataXML($url);
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Re: [485] Fatal error: Call to undefined method RosterArmory::fe

Postby Ulminia » Sat Nov 21, 2009 4:34 pm

copy the armory.class.php frile from the achivemnets dir to the roster lib dir and try agian ...
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Re: [485] Fatal error: Call to undefined method RosterArmory::fe

Postby AnthonyB » Sun Nov 22, 2009 1:04 am

Just to clarify, you say in the readme.txt to use the one in the armory.class.php from the armory.class.rar included with the Achievements addon, however, in comparing the armory.class.php in the .RAR with the one in the Achievements addon, the one in the .RAR seems to have no code for Achievements, while the one in the Achievements directory does.

Anyway, results of using armory.class.php from the \addons\achievements\armory.class.rar
Code: Select all
talent file loaded
Survival Active 1

end return..--000000000000000000000000000053050010000000000000000005300032500033330513133301331 ++ 1
Survival Active 1

end return..-- ++ 1

end return..-- ++ 2

end return..-- ++ 2
Array ( [0] => [1] => US )
Fatal error: Call to undefined method RosterArmory::fetchArmorya() in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\roster\addons\achivements\inc\update_hook.php on line 169

Results from using the armory.class.php from \addons\achievements\armory.class.php
Code: Select all
Database Error
1366: Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'guild_id' at row 1
INSERT INTO `roster_addons_achivements_data` (`id`,`member_id`,`guild_id`,`achv_cat`,`achv_cat_title`,`achv_cat_sub`,`achv_cat_sub2`, `achv_id`,`achv_points`,`achv_icon`,`achv_title`,`achv_reward_title`,`achv_disc`,`achv_date`, `achv_criteria`,`achv_progress`,`achv_progress_width`,`achv_complete`) VALUES (null,'25','','92','General', 'General','0','558','10', 'inv_misc_coin_04','558title','','558disc', '2009-09-05T05:23:00-07:00','','','','1');
File: lib\dbal\mysql.php
Line: 234

Oh, on a different note, you've mispelt Achievements in a lot of your code, table names, etc. it's spelt "achievements" and not "achivements"
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Re: [485] Fatal error: Call to undefined method RosterArmory::fe

Postby zanix » Sun Nov 22, 2009 5:40 am

I think the armory.class.php file from the roster SVN will work
Ulminia updated it just a few hours ago
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Re: [485] Fatal error: Call to undefined method RosterArmory::fe

Postby Ulminia » Sun Nov 22, 2009 7:29 am

that damn guild id will haunt me .. it dosent work for some reasion ... i gottta dig and find out why it wont update with a value...
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Re: [485] Fatal error: Call to undefined method RosterArmory::fe

Postby AnthonyB » Sun Dec 20, 2009 12:09 pm

Any update on this? Would love to have AS working again.
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Re: [485] Fatal error: Call to undefined method RosterArmory::fe

Postby Ulminia » Sun Dec 20, 2009 6:05 pm

the latest svn of achivements has addressed this issue
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Re: [485] Fatal error: Call to undefined method RosterArmory::fe

Postby AnthonyB » Tue Dec 22, 2009 8:39 am

Yep, had already grabbed the updated update_hook.php from commit 487 but am getting same/similar errors:

If I attempt a CP.lua upload through the Roster I get
Code: Select all
Database Error
1366: Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'guild_id' at row 1
INSERT INTO `roster_addons_achivements_data` (`id`,`member_id`,`guild_id`,`achv_cat`,`achv_cat_title`,`achv_cat_sub`,`achv_cat_sub2`, `achv_id`,`achv_points`,`achv_icon`,`achv_title`,`achv_reward_title`,`achv_disc`,`achv_date`, `achv_criteria`,`achv_progress`,`achv_progress_width`,`achv_complete`) VALUES (null,'112','','92','General', 'General','0','6','10', 'achievement_level_10','6title','','6disc', '','','','','');
File: lib\dbal\mysql.php
Line: 234

Code: Select all
PHP Errors
  Notice line 311: Undefined index: guild_id

if I attempt to sync the guild's character data with Armory I get the following:

Code: Select all
Database Error
1366: Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'guild_id' at row 1
INSERT INTO `roster_addons_achivements_data` (`id`,`member_id`,`guild_id`,`achv_cat`,`achv_cat_title`,`achv_cat_sub`,`achv_cat_sub2`, `achv_id`,`achv_points`,`achv_icon`,`achv_title`,`achv_reward_title`,`achv_disc`,`achv_date`, `achv_criteria`,`achv_progress`,`achv_progress_width`,`achv_complete`) VALUES (null,'5','','92','General', 'General','0','1176','10', 'inv_misc_coin_06','1176title','','1176disc', '2009-05-09T01:39:00-07:00','Loot 100 gold
File: lib\dbal\mysql.php
Line: 234

Code: Select all
PHP Errors
  Notice line 283: Undefined variable: guild
  Notice line 494: Undefined variable: guild
  Notice line 413: Undefined property: SimpleClass::$mainHandWeaponSkill
  Notice line 413: Trying to get property of non-object
  Notice line 422: Undefined property: SimpleClass::$offHandWeaponSkill
  Notice line 422: Trying to get property of non-object
  Notice line 496: Undefined property: SimpleClass::$talentGroup
  Notice line 496: Trying to get property of non-object
  Notice line 496: Trying to get property of non-object
  Notice line 496: Undefined property: SimpleClass::$talentGroup
  Notice line 496: Trying to get property of non-object
  Notice line 496: Trying to get property of non-object
  Notice line 496: Undefined property: SimpleClass::$talentGroup
  Notice line 496: Trying to get property of non-object
  Notice line 496: Trying to get property of non-object
  Warning line 581: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
  Warning line 581: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
  Notice line 1716: Undefined variable: guild
  Notice line 1833: Undefined property: ArmorySync::$debug_url
  Notice line 845: Undefined variable: pointsSpent
  Warning line 845: array_key_exists() [function.array-key-exists]: The second argument should be either an array or an object
  Notice line 804: Undefined variable: class
  Notice line 804: Undefined variable: class
  Notice line 3220: Undefined index: Expertise
  Notice line 3225: Undefined index: MainHand
  Notice line 1898: Undefined index: Order
  Notice line 311: Undefined index: guild_id

I can however sync a single character with Armory without error, however, I get no Achievement data and if I click on the achievements button on the character screen I get this error:
Code: Select all
Fatal error: Cannot use string offset as an array in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\roster\addons\achivements\char\index.php on line 61
Roster 2.0.2 svn [latest] latest trunk SVN svn [latest] running on IIS7/Windows Server 2008 SP2 | MySQL 5.0.85 | PHP 5.2.10 | Yes, Roster and PHP rocks on IIS! Even run as FastCGI extension!
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Re: [485] Fatal error: Call to undefined method RosterArmory::fe

Postby Ulminia » Tue Dec 22, 2009 3:55 pm

Fatal error: Cannot use string offset as an array in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\roster\addons\achivements\char\index.php on line 61

is because there is no data in the addon for this member .... im gona have to make an error catch for this to make sure there is data for the member and i cannot for the life of me get guild ids to display

ok made an update i think i have guild ids working now

next im worken on the look of the addon with the new r3 theam the mini members list is in the way ....
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Re: [485] Fatal error: Call to undefined method RosterArmory::fe

Postby AnthonyB » Wed Dec 23, 2009 2:15 am

Thanks Ulminia!

OK, so updated to SVN commit 490 and reinstalled addon.
Uploaded CP.lua through Roster and got a new error:
Code: Select all
Database Error1292: Incorrect date value: '' for column 'achv_date' at row 1
INSERT INTO `roster_addons_achivements_data` (`id`,`member_id`,`guild_id`,`achv_cat`,`achv_cat_title`,`achv_cat_sub`,`achv_cat_sub2`, `achv_id`,`achv_points`,`achv_icon`,`achv_title`,`achv_reward_title`,`achv_disc`,`achv_date`, `achv_criteria`,`achv_progress`,`achv_progress_width`,`achv_complete`) VALUES (null,'112','17','92','General', 'General','0','6','10', 'achievement_level_10','6title','','6disc', '','','','','');
File: lib\dbal\mysql.php
Line: 234

I figured maybe that I needed to do an Armory sync first possibly to get some data in the table so I did a single character sync. Got no errors, but also got no data in the Achivements tables in the roster database.

tried a full guild sync with Armory and got following error:

Code: Select all
Database Error
1292: Incorrect date value: '2009-05-09T01:39:00-07:00' for column 'achv_date' at row 1
INSERT INTO `roster_addons_achivements_data` (`id`,`member_id`,`guild_id`,`achv_cat`,`achv_cat_title`,`achv_cat_sub`,`achv_cat_sub2`, `achv_id`,`achv_points`,`achv_icon`,`achv_title`,`achv_reward_title`,`achv_disc`,`achv_date`, `achv_criteria`,`achv_progress`,`achv_progress_width`,`achv_complete`) VALUES (null,'5','17','92','General', 'General','0','1176','10', 'inv_misc_coin_06','1176title','','1176disc', '2009-05-09T01:39:00-07:00','Loot 100 gold
File: lib\dbal\mysql.php
Line: 234

Code: Select all
PHP Errors
  Notice line 283: Undefined variable: guild
  Notice line 494: Undefined variable: guild
  Notice line 413: Undefined property: SimpleClass::$mainHandWeaponSkill
  Notice line 413: Trying to get property of non-object
  Notice line 422: Undefined property: SimpleClass::$offHandWeaponSkill
  Notice line 422: Trying to get property of non-object
  Notice line 496: Undefined property: SimpleClass::$talentGroup
  Notice line 496: Trying to get property of non-object
  Notice line 496: Trying to get property of non-object
  Notice line 496: Undefined property: SimpleClass::$talentGroup
  Notice line 496: Trying to get property of non-object
  Notice line 496: Trying to get property of non-object
  Notice line 496: Undefined property: SimpleClass::$talentGroup
  Notice line 496: Trying to get property of non-object
  Notice line 496: Trying to get property of non-object
  Warning line 581: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
  Warning line 581: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
  Notice line 1716: Undefined variable: guild
  Notice line 1833: Undefined property: ArmorySync::$debug_url
  Notice line 845: Undefined variable: pointsSpent
  Warning line 845: array_key_exists() [function.array-key-exists]: The second argument should be either an array or an object
  Notice line 804: Undefined variable: class
  Notice line 804: Undefined variable: class
  Notice line 3220: Undefined index: Expertise
  Notice line 3225: Undefined index: MainHand
  Notice line 1898: Undefined index: Order

So the Guild ID issue looks fixed :) but we've now hit an issue with the date string :(

For reference, in the roster_addons_achivements_data table the achv_date field is set to
type: date
Null: Yes
Default: NULL

Ummm... something else I've just noticed... the collation type on both tables is latin1_swedish_ci while the rest of the table in my Roster DB are utf8_general_ci - is this likely to cause a problem?
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Re: [485] Fatal error: Call to undefined method RosterArmory::fe

Postby Ulminia » Wed Dec 23, 2009 7:45 am

cant see how it would .... ial look in to it...

ok updated to svn 492 changed the date in the tables to varchar25 also added a default datavalue for the date if none present...
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Re: [485] Fatal error: Call to undefined method RosterArmory::fe

Postby AnthonyB » Wed Dec 23, 2009 11:00 pm

Updated to 492 and re-installed addon.

Uploading CP.lua now causes my webserver to throw an HTTP 500 error every time.

Had to uninstall Achievements addon to fix.
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Re: [485] Fatal error: Call to undefined method RosterArmory::fe

Postby Ulminia » Thu Dec 24, 2009 6:38 am

maxexacution time error mostlikely
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Re: [485] Fatal error: Call to undefined method RosterArmory::fe

Postby AnthonyB » Fri Dec 25, 2009 2:26 am

My max_execution_time = 60
I've tried bumping it up to 120 but same result and the 500 error comes well before the 60 second mark anyway.
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Re: [485] Fatal error: Call to undefined method RosterArmory::fe

Postby Ulminia » Sat Dec 26, 2009 7:05 am

what do your server longs say?
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