DK Profiler & Roster missing bar on info pages fix!

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DK Profiler & Roster missing bar on info pages fix!

Postby Calystos » Wed Feb 10, 2010 7:06 pm

Seems that the CharacterProfiler and Roster need a lil tweak to fix a minor bug in ref to that the Death Knights Runes/Runic Power bars on the Character Info pages aren't being stored or shown properly. Heres a fix, :-)

In templates/default/info/styles.css add (about line 124 onwards):
Code: Select all
.powers .bar .runes { background: url(images/bars/bar-runes.gif); }
.powers .bar .runes:hover { border-color: #00A8FF; }
.powers .bar .runicpower { background: url(images/bars/bar-runicpower.gif); }
.powers .bar .runicpower:hover { border-color: #00A8FF; }

In CharacterProfiler.lua at line 258 change:
Code: Select all
local UnitPower={"Rage","Focus","Energy","Happiness"};UnitPower[0]="Mana";

To read:
Code: Select all
local UnitPower={"Rage","Focus","Energy","Happiness","Runes","RunicPower"};UnitPower[0]="Mana";

And at line 1570 change:
Code: Select all

To read:
Code: Select all

(As the UnitManaMax was switched to UnitPowerMax as of patch 3.0.2, same with the UnitMana function becoming UnitPower instead)

And finally copy the templates/default/info/images/bars/bar-mana.gif twice and name one bar-runes.gif and the other bar-runicpower.gif and your done.
Course you can upload any of the others if wished, but the blue mana one will suffice for now I guess, :-)

(And no I'm not dead, I've been most unwell - still am - over the past few months. Which is why no ones seen me around, hehe. Though expect more UniAdmin/UniUploader updates soon as I'm better again!)
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Re: DK Profiler & Roster missing bar on info pages fix!

Postby zanix » Wed Feb 10, 2010 7:58 pm

Fixed, thanks
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Re: DK Profiler & Roster missing bar on info pages fix!

Postby Calystos » Wed Feb 10, 2010 8:15 pm

No probs, haven't spotted any other glitches so far. If I do will try an fix an post info of course, :-)
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