Armory Sync SVN 512

Sync Blizzards' Armory data with WoWRoster (addon depreciated no longer works see ApiSync)

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Armory Sync SVN 512

Postby Ulminia » Sat Mar 13, 2010 2:24 am

ok this is the latest work should be compatable with curent stable roster ver

NOTE: you have to extract the rar file and place the armory class file in the roster lib dir and overwright the old one for the addon to work now.. and i recoment fresh install of the addon ... deleting the armory sync dir in the addons folder entirly.


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Re: Armory Sync SVN 512

Postby moofa » Mon Aug 02, 2010 6:07 pm

Do you have a detailed change log aside from the armory class library.
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Re: Armory Sync SVN 512

Postby Ulminia » Mon Aug 02, 2010 10:34 pm

um ....... no been so long i for get whats changed i have 2 versions one used the new armory data addon for roster the other is the old import everything....
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Re: Armory Sync SVN 512

Postby moofa » Sun Aug 08, 2010 2:48 pm

Is there any versions in the SVN that have had any major changes?
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Re: Armory Sync SVN 512

Postby Ulminia » Mon Aug 09, 2010 9:53 pm

what changes are you looking for? most of the editions ahve just been code updates
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Re: Armory Sync SVN 512

Postby moofa » Wed Aug 11, 2010 11:09 pm

Is the armorysync 512 revision working on the last wowroster revision from the google SVN?

Edit; seems to work decently.
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Re: Armory Sync SVN 512

Postby Ulminia » Sat Aug 14, 2010 2:36 am

it should the new design was designed on the wow arc thats why i keep including the armory.class file there are huge changes in the new vers ...
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Re: Armory Sync SVN 512

Postby Subxero » Thu Sep 30, 2010 12:42 pm

Hi Ulminia, good work with these addon and making last changes to svn

The new version could add a new great option: update member characters from guild "by ranks" or option to "skip ranks" ?

Like the guild have MAIN chars like 60~80 and alters like 100~200

A option to update only ranks 0,1,3,6 (GM,Officer,Raiders,Newbies).. or skip ranks 2,4,5 (Officer Alters, Alters, Friends)

Another option will be "update the new characters" without data, to only get info talents/equip/achievements from new members on guild.

These two options will reduce a lot the time update, isn't?
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Re: Armory Sync SVN 512

Postby moufle » Mon Oct 11, 2010 5:36 pm

bonjours voila j'ai installer pour synchroniser ma guilde avec l'armurerie mais je n'y arrive pas voila ce que ca le fait
peut on me dire ce que je dois faire
hello here I set to sync with my guild armory but I can not that's what it does
can anyone tell me what I gotta do

La guilde donnée n'existe pas dans Armory.

ArmorySync v2.7.1.474 by Ulminia
Thanks to tuigii, zanix, ds and Subxero for testing, translating and supporting.
Spezial thanks to kristoff22 for the original code of ArmorySync and Pugro for his changes to it.


ArmorySync Debugging Infos
Line Time File Class Function Info Status
431 0.0272 inc/armorysyncjob.class.php ArmorySyncJob _checkAuth Checked authentication OK
137 0.0382 inc/armorysyncjob.class.php ArmorySyncJob _checkEnv Checking environment OK
143 0.0357 inc/armorysyncjob.class.php ArmorySyncJob _isRequiredRosterVersion Check required Roster version OK
148 0.046 inc/armorysyncjob.class.php ArmorySyncJob _isRequiredArmorySyncVersion Check required ArmorySync version OK
1126 0.9088 inc/armorysyncjob.class.php ArmorySync checkGuildInfo Checked guild on existence Failed
260 0.9069 inc/armorysyncjob.class.php ArmorySyncJob _checkGuildExist Checked guild on existenz Failed
160 0.9181 inc/armorysyncjob.class.php ArmorySyncJob _startAddGuild Added guild Failed
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Re: Armory Sync SVN 512

Postby kiwipearls » Mon Oct 11, 2010 8:01 pm

Subxero wrote:Hi Ulminia, good work with these addon and making last changes to svn

The new version could add a new great option: update member characters from guild "by ranks" or option to "skip ranks" ?

Like the guild have MAIN chars like 60~80 and alters like 100~200

A option to update only ranks 0,1,3,6 (GM,Officer,Raiders,Newbies).. or skip ranks 2,4,5 (Officer Alters, Alters, Friends)

Another option will be "update the new characters" without data, to only get info talents/equip/achievements from new members on guild.

These two options will reduce a lot the time update, isn't?

I would love for the ability to use Armoury sync to import their professions from the Wow Armoury too. Not all guild members use the uploaders and for the data I pull from the roster to my forum, it would make things look pretty.
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Re: Armory Sync SVN 512

Postby wallfw » Wed Jan 05, 2011 1:46 pm

still can't add my guild

ArmorySync Debugging Infos

431 0.0009 ArmorySyncJob _checkAuth Checked authentication OK
137 0.001 ArmorySyncJob _checkEnv Checking environment OK
143 0.001 ArmorySyncJob _isRequiredRosterVersion Check required Roster version OK
148 0.0011 ArmorySyncJob _isRequiredArmorySyncVersion Check required ArmorySync version OK
1126 0.4005 ArmorySync checkGuildInfo Checked guild on existence Failed
260 0.4006 ArmorySyncJob _checkGuildExist Checked guild on existenz Failed
160 0.4007 ArmorySyncJob _startAddGuild Added guild Failed

guild im trying too add Guild Of Elders on Mazrigos (eu server)
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Re: Armory Sync SVN 512

Postby zanix » Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:55 am

Armory Sync doesn't work at the moment since Blizzard has removed xml access to it
You will need to wait until Blizzard adds some sort of API to get the data again
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Re: Armory Sync SVN 512

Postby Ulminia » Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:51 am

addition xml feeds are present in old armory addresses but no new expantion data is present... i have put the addon on hiattus untill we get new shinny epic xml feeds or i find a work arround...
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Re: Armory Sync SVN 512

Postby Blueleaf » Tue May 17, 2011 3:33 pm

Can someone please point me in the right direction to obtain the newest SVN for this. I keep getting this message from my roster.

Update: Roster Armory

There is a new version of Roster Armory available v2.8.0.522
Released: Wed Dec 31st, 6:00pm
Get it HERE

When you click the HERE it trys to take me back to my own site. I have not been able to locate svn.522 on this site. Is there an svn site I can access for this, I know there used to be but the address I have saved in Tortoise no longer works.
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Re: Armory Sync SVN 512

Postby Ulminia » Tue May 17, 2011 5:42 pm ... armorysync
is the new svn .. as for armorysync working its iffy a new api will be out soon and i will be redesinging armory sync to use this new api but if the feeds still exist then it should work
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