Localisation frFR

Addon that shows the maximum statistics possible

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Localisation frFR

Postby Juzam » Fri Aug 25, 2006 2:50 pm

I still have blank value in the MaxResit Addon.

If i open the "localization.php" file, i seen nothing about frFR.

So now i understand why it does not work ...

How could i get the French value for updating the file ?
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Re: Localisation frFR

Postby sturmy » Fri Aug 25, 2006 3:13 pm

This is what I use at the moment (unfinished work).

It doesn't raise errors, BUT it doesn't calculate values... still working on it...

Code: Select all
//Defaults for MaxFR
$wordings['frFR']['MaxRes']='max.Resist' ;
$wordings['frFR']['Fire Resistance']='résistance Feu';
$wordings['frFR']['Nature Resistance']='résistance Nature';
$wordings['frFR']['Arcane Resistance']='résistance Arcanes';
$wordings['frFR']['Frost Resistance']='résistance Froid';
$wordings['frFR']['Shadow Resistance']='résistance Ombre';
$wordings['frFR']['FRMax']='FRMax' ;
$wordings['frFR']['Neck']='Cou' ;
$wordings['frFR']['Head']='Tête' ;
$wordings['frFR']['Feet']='Pieds' ;
$wordings['frFR']['Chest']='Torse' ;
$wordings['frFR']['Finger']='Doigt' ;
$wordings['frFR']['Shoulder']='Epaule' ;
$wordings['frFR']['Legs']='Jambes' ;
$wordings['frFR']['Wrist']='Poignets' ;
$wordings['frFR']['Hands']='Mains' ;
$wordings['frFR']['Back']='Dos' ;
$wordings['frFR']['Waist']='Taille' ;
$wordings['frFR']['Trinket']='Bijou' ;
$wordings['frFR']['Main_Hand']='Main Hand' ;
$wordings['frFR']['One-Hand']='One-Hand' ;
$wordings['frFR']['Two-Hand']='Two-Hand' ;
$wordings['frFR']['Off-hand']='Off-hand' ;
$wordings['frFR']['Off Hand']='Off Hand' ;
$wordings['frFR']['Wand']='Wand' ;
$wordings['frFR']['Crossbow']='Crossbow' ;
$wordings['frFR']['Ranged']='Ranged' ;
$wordings['frFR']['res_all']='All Resistances';
$wordings['frFR']['max_res_fire_tooltip']='Max Fire Resist. Click to view character with max Fire resist gear equipped.';
$wordings['frFR']['max_res_nature_tooltip']='Max Nature Resist. Click to view character with max Nature resist gear equipped.';
$wordings['frFR']['max_res_arcane_tooltip']='Max Arcane Resist. Click to view character with max Arcane resist gear equipped.';
$wordings['frFR']['max_res_frost_tooltip']='Max Frost Resist. Click to view character with max Frost resist gear equipped.';
$wordings['frFR']['max_res_shadow_tooltip']='Max Shadow Resist. Click to view character with max Shadow resist gear equipped.';
$wordings['frFR']['Gun']='Gun' ;
$wordings['frFR']['maxResTitleInfo']= "This table shows you the Unbuffed Maximum of each resistance your character could get in 1 outfit using the items on your character, in your bags, ".
"and in your bank so you do not have to upload wearing your x resistance gear - it does all the calculations for you (Racial and Set Bonuses are NOT included). ".
"Click on the individual resist number to view the items for each individual resist. Also sortable!";
$wordings['frFR']['maxResIndivInfo']= "Click the resist boxes to switch resist or ";
$wordings['frFR']['goBack']= "Retour";
$wordings['frFR']['MaxDot']= "max.";
$wordings['frFR']['Plans']= "Plans";
$wordings['frFR']['Schematic']= "Schema";
$wordings['frFR']['Formula']= "Formule";
$wordings['frFR']['Pattern']= "Patron";
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Re: Localisation frFR

Postby Juzam » Fri Aug 25, 2006 3:28 pm

Good to know someone is on it :thumleft:

I'll do some try tonight too...
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Re: Localisation frFR

Postby sturmy » Fri Aug 25, 2006 10:12 pm


I'll make a bunch of happy people. Finally solved it. Let me know of troubles beyond the one I explain below.

In the frFR locale the bonuses gained by enchants on items is worded differently than the one as part of item stats.
example (I skip the accents it's boooriiiing to type here):
item bonus for Fire Resist: "+10 a la resistance Feu"
enchanting bonus: "+10 a la resistance au Feu"

So the current translation is ab-fab... for the equipment only, not for enchanting added to it ATM. Any help appreciated!
max.resist with frFR locale
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Re: Localisation frFR

Postby Juzam » Sat Aug 26, 2006 4:20 am

Just try your file ...

I have some values now but this is not the correct values .... ;)

Down know why, but i would have a look to it.
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Localisation frFR

Postby sarbian » Wed Aug 30, 2006 7:14 pm

We need to post on the french wow forum to make them change this.
I started a translation and when I found that some items have a different wording I stoped and started cursing the localisation team ...

It s not only the enchants, the ring with only resist on them use "resistance au Feu" too ...
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Re: Localisation frFR

Postby sturmy » Wed Aug 30, 2006 7:44 pm

Ideally, we could use a regexp to catch both, but that would require max.resist to manage the regexp from the localization string.

Dev Help needed...

PS: don't remind me how many times I cursed the Blizz FR Localization team! ;-)
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Re: Localisation frFR

Postby sturmy » Thu Sep 07, 2006 6:38 pm

Through the course of another localization issue (with an obsolete addon), I've got hints as to how to make the regexp thingy (zanix & pleegwat thanks again!).

"when I've got time" (small adjustment over blizz's release date for BC "when it's ready") I'll try and see what can be done. Unless there's a happy coder that can look at the issue mentionned above.
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Localisation frFR

Postby Diska » Thu Sep 07, 2006 8:11 pm

Great work Sturmy, when you've got something that is worth a release give me a notice and I'll combine the stuff.
Unfortunately I haven't had much time at work to work at this addon, but I've done some stuff the past few days. I'm making an option to filter on level and guildrank, which is coming along pretty nice.

The only thing holding me back is, the more and more I look at the code I want to rewrite it and I'd like to move the FR parsing to PHP and out of the MySQL queries. I might actually do that to practice my PHP skills ;)
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Re: Localisation frFR

Postby sturmy » Tue Sep 12, 2006 2:04 pm

Narrowing down on where the "problem" lies for non-US translations...

Code: Select all
     "CONVERT(replace(SUBSTRING(item_tooltip,LOCATE('".$Fire_Resistance."\n', item_tooltip,LOCATE('".$tooltip_soulbound."', item_tooltip))-3,2),'+','') ,SIGNED INTEGER) as FR1, ".
"CONVERT(Ifnull(replace(SUBSTRING(item_tooltip,Nullif(LOCATE('".$Fire_Resistance."\n', item_tooltip,LOCATE('".$Fire_Resistance."\n', item_tooltip, LOCATE('".$tooltip_soulbound."', item_tooltip))+1),0)-3,2),'+',''),0),SIGNED INTEGER) + CONVERT(Ifnull(replace(SUBSTRING(item_tooltip,Nullif(LOCATE('".$Fire_Resistance." +', item_tooltip,LOCATE('".$Fire_Resistance." +', item_tooltip, LOCATE('".$tooltip_soulbound."', item_tooltip))-1),0)+17,2),'+',''),0),SIGNED INTEGER) as FR2, ".
"CONVERT(replace(SUBSTRING(item_tooltip,LOCATE('".$Fire_Resistance."\n', item_tooltip,LOCATE('".$tooltip_soulbound."', item_tooltip))-3,2),'+','') ,SIGNED INTEGER) + ".
"CONVERT(Ifnull(replace(SUBSTRING(item_tooltip,Nullif(LOCATE('".$Fire_Resistance."\n', item_tooltip,LOCATE('".$Fire_Resistance."\n', item_tooltip, LOCATE('".$tooltip_soulbound."', item_tooltip))+1) ,0)-3,2),'+',''),0) ,SIGNED INTEGER) + CONVERT(Ifnull(replace(SUBSTRING(item_tooltip,Nullif(LOCATE('".$Fire_Resistance." +', item_tooltip,LOCATE('".$Fire_Resistance." +', item_tooltip, LOCATE('".$tooltip_soulbound."', item_tooltip))-1),0)+17,2),'+',''),0),SIGNED INTEGER) as FR3 ".
"where member_id = $id and ( ( item_tooltip like '%".$tooltip_soulbound."%' or item_tooltip like '%".$Unique."%' ) and item_tooltip like '%".$Fire_Resistance."%') AND ".
"(item_tooltip not like '%".$Plans."%' AND item_tooltip not like '%".$Schematic."%' AND item_tooltip not like '%".$Formula."%' AND item_tooltip not like '%".$Pattern."%'  AND item_tooltip not like '%Juju%'  ) ".
"order by FR3 DESC, slot";  

This is where resistance values are calculated for each and every item. Now I didn't look at it in depth, but from the outlooks I see a lot of offsets which I assume are based on the US tooltip wording. Not to mention the "%Juju%" that ends the thing which denotes prejudice against people that crafted items and that have Juju in their char name (just kidding, but I really found no other reason for this last part).

As I understand it today, FR1 is the natural fire resist of the item, FR2 the enchanting bonus and FR3 probably the total? So we can already assume that adding to the translation table a pattern for the enchanting, we should be able to get non-zero values for that.

I would greatly support the view of Diska that this would need a good rewrite ;-)

Stay tuned for more news (but if anyone has got ideas, feel free to tell them)!
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Localisation frFR

Postby Juzam » Wed Oct 04, 2006 3:51 pm

No news ? :oops:
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Localisation frFR

Postby sturmy » Wed Oct 04, 2006 9:20 pm

I didn't go far (been busy finishing Ragnaros with my guildies and moving on to razorgore, in case you wonder ;-) ).

I started to add the following localization patterns:
Code: Select all
$wordings['frFR']['Ench Fire Resistance']='à la résistance au Feu';
$wordings['frFR']['Ench Nature Resistance']='à la résistance Ã  la Nature';
$wordings['frFR']['Ench Arcane Resistance']='à la résistance aux Arcanes';
$wordings['frFR']['Ench Frost Resistance']='à la résistance au Givre';
$wordings['frFR']['Ench Shadow Resistance']='à la résistance Ã  l\'Ombre';

With the intention of modifying the bit of code I pointed out above to start adding the handling of enchanting and see how it goes. But that's where I'm at...


Edit: this was my source code ATM. Absolutely untested. It might very well be completely broken.
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Re: Localisation frFR

Postby Juzam » Thu Oct 05, 2006 12:58 pm

I'll go testing it right now ... ^^

GG for ragnaras ...
Hope u find some good stuff on him ;)

Razorgore is fun to do, much more than ragnaros ... ;)
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Re: Localisation frFR

Postby sturmy » Thu Oct 05, 2006 9:35 pm

Well. It doesn't break anything but it works no better than before.

I'd need some more insight than what I have to sort this out.

As I said before I added enchanting strings for FR and US (US strings equals the normal resist strings) and passed it as an additional parameter to the relevant functions. But obviously I mess up with the usage of those strings, as none of the values are updated the way they should.

Maybe Diska would have ideas here...

Attached is the update I made today.
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Re: Localisation frFR

Postby Juzam » Fri Oct 06, 2006 6:23 pm

Max resit is acting crazy on my roster :blackeye: (the item list on the right is totally wrong)

Damn ...
I'm not able to do what u are trying to ...
That's all i can say ... (i have tryed to remenber but no devs for me since a long time ... hard to get back in business ^^)
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