Wild growth shoulders are not handled ok

Addon that shows the maximum statistics possible

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Wild growth shoulders are not handled ok

Postby Striper » Tue Nov 14, 2006 10:25 pm

i moved the old maxres folder to /var/tmp/ ... so the files you're accessing are the ones from your archive.

it's php 5.1.6-5 and mysql 5.0.24a-9 (debian system)
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Wild growth shoulders are not handled ok

Postby Exerladan » Wed Nov 15, 2006 1:19 am

I've checked files from my archive and they are the right ones, but the files I access on your site are the old ones, I'm 100% positive. Try to check where you copy the files from my archive.
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Wild growth shoulders are not handled ok

Postby Striper » Wed Nov 15, 2006 4:44 am

i'm sorry, i have no friggin clue why the maxres.zip i uploaded to my home drive didn't overwrite the one that was still there... i should pay more attention to the output of my sftp client :)

recalculated the resistances for all chars, working fine now!

Just one error left: if a main hand item has the same resistance as an off hand item, the off hand item gets proposed, not the main hand one - but the resistance calculated is right!
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Wild growth shoulders are not handled ok

Postby sturmy » Wed Nov 15, 2006 12:08 pm

Great work Exerladan (something I wished to have had more time to work on.
Things that work and do not work in my FR locale:
-all resistances are now calculated seemingly OK (hip hip hurray!)
-for some strange reason the spalder FR resist enchant from Agent Dawn is not calculated as part of the FR (I haven't checked any of the other resist enchant, it's the only one we have really since we're in MC / BWL at the moment)
-set bonuses are accounted for for every set item that comes around (e.g. druid set: +8 all resist is "written" on every tooltip, yet it is a set bonus when set is complete), which gives interesting stats... I assume parsing of the tooltips should stop at the first "set" (Ensemble) keyword.

I haven't seen anything else as abnormal.

Last edited by sturmy on Wed Nov 15, 2006 12:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Wild growth shoulders are not handled ok

Postby Exerladan » Wed Nov 15, 2006 3:14 pm

for some strange reason the spalder FR resist enchant from Agent Dawn is not calculated as part of the FR

On this profile, the FR enchant seem to be recognize (column enchant +5), but when you have only FR enchant with no base FR, it seems that the enchant is considered as the base resist, I will correct it soon.

set bonuses are accounted for for every set item that comes around (e.g. druid set: +8 all resist is "written" on every tooltip, yet it is a set bonus when set is complete), which gives interesting stats... I assume parsing of the tooltips should stop at the first "set" (Ensemble) keyword.

As I wrote it previously I'm aware of this problem, don't put the cart before the horse :D
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Wild growth shoulders are not handled ok

Postby Diska » Wed Nov 15, 2006 6:54 pm

Striper, I have no idea if the author of this mod has a druid as main, but I suspect that he was an English user and was never confronted with this problem ;), also the original author hasn't posted here in while ;)

Exerladan, thanks a lot for your work, looks very promising! I've never taken much time to analyze the SQL statements, thanks for doing that ;)
I'll try to make some time soon to include your changes in the mainstream release so everyone can enjoy them.
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Wild growth shoulders are not handled ok

Postby Striper » Wed Nov 15, 2006 6:59 pm

thx Diska!
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Wild growth shoulders are not handled ok

Postby Exerladan » Wed Nov 15, 2006 7:01 pm

Wait a while, I think I can improve it, maybe with racial resistances, set bonuses, and + all resist enchant on specific resist item (shoulder and back slot for example). But it's a bit more complex :D

I need german translation too :
Code: Select all
$wordings['deDE']['res_main_equipement']= "Main";
$wordings['deDE']['res_enchant']= "Enchant";
$wordings['deDE']['res_total']= "Total";
$wordings['deDE']['GearUsed']= 'Gear used'
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Re: Wild growth shoulders are not handled ok

Postby Striper » Wed Nov 15, 2006 8:16 pm

Code: Select all
$wordings['deDE']['res_main_equipement']= "Widerstand";
$wordings['deDE']['res_enchant']= "Verzauberung";
$wordings['deDE']['res_total']= "Total";
$wordings['deDE']['GearUsed']= "benutzte Ausrüstung"

another error: a shield is being calculated even if a 2handed weapon is proposed... and the weapon slot is never being displayed
Last edited by Striper on Wed Nov 15, 2006 8:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wild growth shoulders are not handled ok

Postby celephaiis » Thu Nov 16, 2006 3:37 am

Hi Exerladan,

Nice job that you have made. I was working on french localization too but you have been faster than I ;)

I post a little patch for maxres.php. The SQL request used to select items with a specific resistance was incomplete : items with only a enchant (and no inner resistance) were not selected.

I hope this will correct it.
Should handle correctly enchant on items (frFR tested)
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Wild growth shoulders are not handled ok

Postby Striper » Thu Nov 16, 2006 3:43 am

at least it does work in the german version:

http://www.metagilde.de/LA_roster/addon ... res_nature

the Cenarius Shoulders have shadow resistance, the enchant ist nature resistance... they are properly calculated in the nature resistance overview - or didi i just get you wrong? Are items not included that have no resistances whatsoever apart from the enchant?
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Wild growth shoulders are not handled ok

Postby sturmy » Thu Nov 16, 2006 12:26 pm

Yup. This brings back in items like the spalders with no resistance on them other than an enchant.

So what's left now is to avoid multiple count of the set bonuses (although I think it would be very complicated to add the management of the set bonus to the addon, as we'd need to calculate the with & without set gear resist).
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Wild growth shoulders are not handled ok

Postby celephaiis » Thu Nov 16, 2006 5:21 pm

Multiple set bonus accouting will be quite difficult to overcome.

I a few words, resistances are calculated by parsing items tooltip and searching strings such as '+x Fire Resistance' (Fire/Nature/Shadow/Arcane/All) and then adding the max (+x) on each slot. It's quite simple.

In order to handle set bonuses you will have first to detect each set bonus string, treat them as set bonuses (not resistance bonuses) and then be able to test how many items of a given set are worn to calculate the effective resistance bonus.

That's not impossible but this a big job for a small result ;)
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Re: Wild growth shoulders are not handled ok

Postby Exerladan » Thu Nov 16, 2006 5:29 pm

I know but it's quite intellectually satisfying to me :D

I will do it ;)
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Re: Wild growth shoulders are not handled ok

Postby celephaiis » Thu Nov 16, 2006 7:02 pm

Exerladan wrote:I know but it's quite intellectually satisfying to me :D

I will do it ;)

Fine, then I have some new challenges I you want.

My guilmates have asked me to develop an addon like max.resist which can give the optimal gear for max.+hit, max.+heal, max+dmg...

If you need some more intellectual satisfaction (and some spare time) that's a deal ;)
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