Max Resists Update?

Addon that shows the maximum statistics possible

Moderator: Exerladan

Max Resists Update?

Postby CremeEgg » Sat Jan 20, 2007 1:36 pm

Are there any plans for a version for Roster 1.7.2?

Also will there be any changes now that Blizzard have changed enchants back to the old display.
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Max Resists Update?

Postby Diska » Thu Feb 08, 2007 8:14 am

afaik this addon still works with roster 1.7.2 and no changes are necessary because of the different colors of the enchants.
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Re: Max Resists Update?

Postby Exerladan » Thu Feb 08, 2007 10:46 am

Yep, it still works with roster 1.7.2 and, as I say in another post, I will recode it, in order to count +resist gem bonuses.

I may need some translations / sample roster links, but for the moment, I have work on core calculations.

I will post this WE.
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Re: Max Resists Update?

Postby Exerladan » Thu Feb 15, 2007 2:09 pm

As I said few months ago, I've recoded this addon and share my work :D

New functionnalities :
- racial resistances
- +all resist enchant are counted for specific resistance calculation (for example, a shoulder with +5 all resist at argent dawn will be calculated in fire resistance)
- set resistance bonuses (T0 and T0.5) aren't counted
- may work with gem resist bonuses (but I need deDE and enUS translations to check)
- separated localization files

- set bonuses
- esES localization (any volunteer ?)

I have ommitted 2 things :
- difference between base and enchant resistance on a item (because in enUS and deDE localization strings are the same, and in french sometimes it's the enchant string that is used for basic string :scratch: )
- level and rank filter (i'm a bit lazy :mrgreen: )

For developpers :
- object model
- data and html separated (in order to use smarty for example)

Happy testing :D
maxres compatible with roster 1.7.3
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Max Resists Update?

Postby aniodon » Thu Feb 15, 2007 5:40 pm

Thanks for your work.

I've got a localisation problem, i think, for frFR.
the class icon do not display ( url generated : roster/img/Interface/Icons/.jpg )
the class name are all white (except paladin and mage, the same for english and FR)

The previous release of maxRes worked fine on this points.

Feature request : May we see only people who have their roster uploaded instead of the whole guild (not very clear in some big guilds)

Thank you very much, and keep up that good work =)
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Max Resists Update?

Postby Exerladan » Fri Feb 16, 2007 9:30 am

Ooops, I will correct it this WE (such a shame, I'm french)

No problem for displaying only updated profiles.

Any feedback on + resist gem ?
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Max Resists Update?

Postby enimus » Fri Feb 16, 2007 10:08 am

Hi there,

If Racial bonusses are now included, could you perhaps update the Note stating that they are not included.

Secondly, I'm seeing some of my toons having resistances listed as 0 while I know for a fact that they do have resist gear. Another toon on the same account does show the resist gear correctly. Any ideas?

Thank you for the effort, it saves us a lot of time and effort.
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Max Resists Update?

Postby Exerladan » Fri Feb 16, 2007 10:20 am

Link plz ^^
Last edited by Exerladan on Fri Feb 16, 2007 10:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Max Resists Update?

Postby aniodon » Fri Feb 16, 2007 2:12 pm

I have been running some trouble when uploading rosters, I got an error on the maxres trigger, call of undefined function, and i had to go back to the previous version of maxres to correct it :(
The resists were all at 0 after uploading.
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Max Resists Update?

Postby Exerladan » Fri Feb 16, 2007 2:58 pm

Roster version ?

Error Message ?
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Re: Max Resists Update?

Postby Exerladan » Fri Feb 16, 2007 3:31 pm

Ok I see the problem.

Try this new version, it will solve the problems above.
MaxResist 4.01 for roster 1.7.3
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Max Resists Update?

Postby Exerladan » Fri Feb 16, 2007 3:40 pm

Don't forget you can refresh ALL stored resistances by typing the following URL in a browser, even if your users have uploaded their profile with a previous/malfunctionning version of maxresist :

http:// your.domain/path/to/your/roster/addon.php?roster_addon_name=maxres&refreshDatabase=true
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Max Resists Update?

Postby aniodon » Fri Feb 16, 2007 3:41 pm

Thanks exerladan, i'll try it tonight
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Max Resists Update?

Postby aniodon » Fri Feb 16, 2007 4:13 pm

I don't have the 'Updated resistances for [Aniodon]' while uploading.
Normal or not ? =)
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Max Resists Update?

Postby Exerladan » Fri Feb 16, 2007 4:26 pm


Do you want to have it ?
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