Witch Hunt [v1.2]

Keep track of who updates their character profile and when

Moderator: Carasak

Witch Hunt [v1.2]

Postby Carasak » Tue Feb 20, 2007 4:45 pm

Download here: http://www.wowroster.net/Downloads/details/id=98.html

Shows which main character uploaded when his characterprofile and sets a visual alarm to people who didnt upload in the last X days (while X is configurable).
also displays visual alarm for inactive people (depending on last seen online)
shows who never uploaded.

easy to install just unzip into addon directory

$addon_conf['witchHunt']['field'] = 'guild_rank';
// <=,=,>=,<,>, LIKE,...
$addon_conf['witchHunt']['criteria'] = '<=';
//search string to check for..can enhance with sql wildcard %..example %test finds all words ending with test..wildcard ahs to be combined with criteria "like"
$addon_conf['witchHunt']['searchSring'] = '4';
//admin only or FFA
$addon_conf['witchHunt']['admin'] = true;
// Activity range
// default values are: 0-2 weeks = active, 2weeks - 1month semi active, >1 month inactive
$addon_conf['witchHunt']['activeMeasure1'] = 'week';
$addon_conf['witchHunt']['activeMeasure2'] = 'month';
$addon_conf['witchHunt']['activeCount1'] = 2;
$addon_conf['witchHunt']['activeCount2'] = 1;

localization done for enUS,deDE,esES, frFR



Change log:
- made alt clasification "freely" configurable..you decide what you look for and where and how you compare it
- added activity status

- changed sql queries to be more backwards compatible
- Fixed Date ordering

- added config value to check for admin only (roster pw needed) or visible for anyone
- fixed error in slacker statistic
- changed sql code (removed "`") in the hope it fixes sql error some people reported (not confirmed that it works)

- added class icons and colors
- html output is validated 4.0.1
- added general statistics
- made design more in wowroster look
- tested in 1.7.2 and 1.7.3

- added french translation (thanks to aniodon)
Last edited by Carasak on Tue May 08, 2007 11:26 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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Re: Witch Hunt

Postby aniodon » Tue Feb 20, 2007 9:29 pm

Works fine ;)) thanks again ;)

Attached, my frFR version (adapted for me ;p if someone has better... )

frFR version, rename to .php
(3.88 KiB) Downloaded 391 times
Last edited by aniodon on Tue Feb 20, 2007 9:31 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Witch Hunt

Postby robojerk » Tue Feb 20, 2007 11:01 pm

For the Horde!
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Re: Witch Hunt

Postby Carasak » Mon Feb 26, 2007 1:14 pm

locking the main topic
made topics for bugs and feature requests
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