WoWRoster Installation Guide

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WoWRoster Installation Guide

Postby Willowhealer » Wed Nov 21, 2007 4:22 am

Please forgive the formatting... I will try and clean it up... this is intended to be a work in progress and any contributions towards making this a more complete work would be greatly appreciated. I will try and incorporate additions with the guide so that one coming into this thread for the first time does not need to read the entire thread to gain all value.

Thanks in advance for your help :)

WoWRoster Install
• Download ZIP
• Unpack ZIP on your desktop
• Upload ZIP to your web site
o Usually in a folder at your http root like roster
• Download the current Image Pack (this changes every patch)
• Unpack the ZIP on your desktop
• Upload ZIP to your roster IMG folder
• Create a database called roster
• Create a username for the database and associate it with the roster database
• Run install.php from your browser
• During install you will be asked a couple questions regarding the database you created, some hosting servers put a prefix to your database and username. This should be easy to determine if you go to your databases the list will generally show them with or without this prefix. Only use this prefix if by not doing so causes the install program to error.

Gathering Data via Character Profiler
• Download Character Profiler
• This is a standard WoW addon and should be installed into the addon folder just as any other addon
• Once installed make sure it is active for the character(s) you want to have updated in the roster.
• While logged in with the character you are wanting to update open the following screens to make sure to get a full set of data.
o Character
o Professions
o Bank and all Bags
• Then once you have opened all these you can click on the SAVE button in your character screen… it’s up in the upper left corner… if you have forgotten to open something it will tell you in red in your chat box

Uploading Character Profiler data to WoWRoster

Option 1 Use Upload Function within WoWRoster
• Bring up your WoWRoster site
• Click on the Update Profile button
• After clicking browse you will need to browse to your CharacterProfiler.lua file located by default (your installation may differ)
o C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\YourAccount\SavedVariables
• Once uploaded you should see data within WoWRoster

Option 2 Install and use uniUploader / uniAdmin

Install uniAdmin
• Download uniAdmin ZIP
• unzip uniAdmin to a folder on your desktop
• upload the unzipped files to your web site
o usually in a folder at your http root like uniadmin
• create a database called uniadmin
• create a username called uniadmin and associate it with the database uniadmin
• Bring up the site
o This should launch the setup process
• During install you will be asked a couple questions regarding the database you created, some hosting servers put a prefix to your database and username. This should be easy to determine if you go to your databases the list will generally show them with or without this prefix. Only use this prefix if by not doing so causes the install program to error.

Configuring uniAdmin
• Go to the settings tab and set the following fields as stated
• SYNCHROURL (Synchronization URL)
This is the URL that allows UniUploader to get configuration information from UniAdmin, ie. the UniAdmin interface.php URL, eg.
o http://webservername/uniadmin/interface.php
This is the URL you would normally manually go to to upload data, eg. for the WoW Roster, it would be
o http://webservername/roster/admin/update.php
• Another example, this time for people using RPGOutfitter, is
o Set this to NO
o Set this to YES
o Set this to YES
• Now apply these changes

uniUploader Installation and prep for distribution
• Download uniUploader
• Install uniUploader
• Download NSIS from
• Install NSIS
• Download the NSIS script from this site
• UnZIP the NSIS to a folder on your desktop
• After installation of uniUploader go to its folder and grab UniUploader.exe drop this file into the NSIS folder on your desktop
• copy your settings.ini file into this folder as well
• Your “installation package” folder should have the following files in it
o License.txt
o Logo1.gif
o Logo2.gif
o Newuuicon.ico
o Settings.ini
o UniUpoader.exe
o UniUploader_NSIS_Script.nsi
• right click on the NSIS script and right click it to open it in the NSIS editor.. uncomment the line about settings.ini (and be sure the path its looking for is correct.. its been a while but i am pretty sure that you will have to edit this line to remove the path and just leave the settings.ini part)
• click compile and presto you are done with a customized uniuploader for your guild!
• Now take this new UniUploader EXE and install it… this will set up all the settings for you… this can also be given to guild mates to install…
Last edited by Willowhealer on Wed Nov 21, 2007 4:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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WoWRoster Installation Guide

Postby zanix » Wed Nov 21, 2007 4:27 am

Some of this is already in the wiki

But none of it is really joined together
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Re: WoWRoster Installation Guide

Postby Willowhealer » Wed Nov 21, 2007 5:04 am

Yeah... I saw that... the problem I had when putting this all together is just following a simple outline to get from A to Z... hoping this will do that... purhaps I should gather info from there as well and put it all together...

I figure one guide with different sections detailing how to setup each component would be really nice. And I see that the Programmers and Project Managers already do a ton for this project, what I would like to see is the users make comment to what they would like and help contribute to make that happen. If the documentation already up is sufficient then there is not need to proceed, but if people want to see something here is the place to comment.

And seriously, thanks for all the support you have given me personally Zanix, I don't think I would have gotten my site up and running without it. Along with various posts throughout the site here, really a great community :)
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WoWRoster Installation Guide

Postby zanix » Wed Nov 21, 2007 6:04 am

Yeah, it is an issue
There is no A to Z guide on the installation and set-up of Roster

I do believe the documentation could be improved and needs to be

I'm sure everyone will appreciate your efforts and hopefully others will contribute as well
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WoWRoster Installation Guide

Postby djloco81 » Thu Dec 06, 2007 12:03 pm

Quick Question

Do you need to chmod any files?
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WoWRoster Installation Guide

Postby PleegWat » Thu Dec 06, 2007 2:34 pm

Before you start installation, you should make sure exists and is writable by the websever user, or can be created by the webserver user.

The installer will check and tell you if it can create/edit this file, and offer you to manually upload it to the server otherwise.
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WoWRoster Installation Guide

Postby aseitz » Wed Jan 09, 2008 6:01 am

* Download the NSIS script from this site

... I can't seem to find this anywhere. Can someone provide a link to it?

Thank You :)
Last edited by aseitz on Wed Jan 09, 2008 6:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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WoWRoster Installation Guide

Postby Doomie22 » Fri Jan 25, 2008 7:41 pm

hiya all,

I have tried to install this new version but I cannot get it past stage 3.

On stage 1 it says that my server passes all minimum requirements, I enter the database details, then on stage 3 it says that I don't meet the requirements?? and stops

Here is my server details:

PHP version 4.4.7
MySQL version 4.0.27-standard
Operating system Linux

Is there a way of getting past this section (I don't have access to update my server).


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WoWRoster Installation Guide

Postby fjouanny » Thu Jan 31, 2008 11:36 pm

My problem is here

• Create a database called roster
• Create a username for the database and associate it with the roster database

With the v1.73 of the roster, the install script does this for me, and I find this very cool.
But now, it's quite a problem for me. I can access to MySQL configuration page, but then... ???

When I'm trying to access to mydomain/roster/index.php, it returns a page with the error code 500.

Thanks for your your help,

[edit]: I have renammed the .htaccess file to something else, and now I can access to the initial settings.
But Now, I have those lines at the top of the page:

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: open(/mnt/103/sda/5/6/omegawarriors/sessions/sess_3c21acbfac438258fec680bc406d49cc, O_RDWR) failed: No such file or directory (2) in /mnt/103/sda/5/6/omegawarriors/roster/settings.php on line 31

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /mnt/103/sda/5/6/omegawarriors/roster/settings.php:31) in /mnt/103/sda/5/6/omegawarriors/roster/settings.php on line 31

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /mnt/103/sda/5/6/omegawarriors/roster/settings.php:31) in /mnt/103/sda/5/6/omegawarriors/roster/settings.php on line 31

Continuing to progress...
Last edited by fjouanny on Fri Feb 01, 2008 1:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: WoWRoster Installation Guide

Postby MattM » Fri Feb 01, 2008 12:49 am

aseitz wrote:* Download the NSIS script from this site

... I can't seem to find this anywhere. Can someone provide a link to it?

Thank You :)

Downloads => uniuploader => download

It is in that list.
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Re: WoWRoster Installation Guide

Postby MattM » Fri Feb 01, 2008 12:54 am

fjouanny wrote:Hi,
My problem is here

• Create a database called roster
• Create a username for the database and associate it with the roster database

With the v1.73 of the roster, the install script does this for me, and I find this very cool.
But now, it's quite a problem for me. I can access to MySQL configuration page, but then... ???

When I'm trying to access to mydomain/roster/index.php, it returns a page with the error code 500.

Thanks for your your help,

you need to log into mysql using mysql.exe

it will ask for the root password, enter it

a prompt (like a dos prompt) will come up

put into it (something like, not sure, ftw):
create the user
create user `foo`@`%` identified by password('bar');
flush privileges;

create the database
create database `roster`;

associate the user with the database
grant all on `roster` for user `foo`@`%`

if any devs want to fix my typos or noobish sql statements, please do so
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WoWRoster Installation Guide

Postby fjouanny » Fri Feb 01, 2008 1:21 am

you need to log into mysql using mysql.exe

it will ask for the root password, enter it

a prompt (like a dos prompt) will come up

put into it (something like, not sure, ftw):
create the user
create user `foo`@`%` identified by password('bar');
flush privileges;

create the database
create database `roster`;

associate the user with the database
grant all on `roster` for user `foo`@`%`

OOOOoooooo Sorry for that, but I think I'm not skill enought in sql and/or php to do that.
May be the better solution for me is to comme back to v1.73 and wait for the v2 to be as easy to install as the v1.73...

But just for my information: mysql.exe is an exe of Windows ? I read that I need to install easy php for that ?

Thanks for all
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WoWRoster Installation Guide

Postby MattM » Fri Feb 01, 2008 4:52 am

check out phpmyadmin, it may be what you want
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Re: WoWRoster Installation Guide

Postby PleegWat » Fri Feb 01, 2008 12:26 pm

fjouanny wrote:Hi,
My problem is here

• Create a database called roster
• Create a username for the database and associate it with the roster database

With the v1.73 of the roster, the install script does this for me, and I find this very cool.

This is false. Roster has never created its database - something else must have.
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WoWRoster Installation Guide

Postby secretone » Fri Feb 01, 2008 6:58 pm

Hi Willowhealer,

Overall I think this is a good idea, having the install/setup instructions in one place does make good sense.

Until I have to use your guide the only comments that I would like to add are the following.

1) Some hosts, mine included, only allow you to say you want a new database, and if you want MySQL 4 or MySQL 5. It then creates the database for you and in your control panel you will find the databaseURL, databasename, username, userpassword. You have no control over what these are called. I can change the password after its been created though.

2) Some hosts only allow 1 database, so I would like to see a note to say if a ceratin program such as uniadmin could share the roster database and a suggsted prefix for the tables.
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