TeamSpeak/Ventrilo for Roster 2

A TeamSpeak 2 server monitor addon based on gllcTS2, and Ventrilo server monitor

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TeamSpeak/Ventrilo for Roster 2

Postby mdeshane » Wed Nov 26, 2008 9:34 pm

I have started re-writing gllcTS2 version 4.2.4 to work as an addon for WoWRoster 2. What does it do? Well, it allows your guildies to see who's on the TeamSpeak server, it even lets them login to the server (if a TeamSpeak Client is installed).
There is much work to be done before it's fully useable, as the original script uses no templating or much OOP. I will be re-writing it to conform to the Roster Addon Coding Standards.
I hope to have the addon in Beta before Christmas!
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Re: TeamSpeak for Roster 2

Postby cwpc » Wed Nov 26, 2008 10:25 pm

Is it possible to have it display Ventrillo server status as well - maybe admin selectable?
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Re: TeamSpeak for Roster 2

Postby mdeshane » Thu Nov 27, 2008 1:04 am

I haven't really looked at the code for a ventrillo monitor script, but I could probably integrate both as an addon. Though I should probably change the name of the addon, maybe to GuildSpeak.
I'll download the monitor script from ventrillo and see what I can do with it.
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TeamSpeak for Roster 2

Postby AnthonyB » Thu Nov 27, 2008 2:28 pm

Great to hear it! (no pun intended)

I recently re-installed gllcTS2 due to my guild become more active with the release of WotLK but would love to see it incorporated as a Roster addon to keep the guildies coming back to a central place.
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Re: TeamSpeak for Roster 2

Postby tuigii » Thu Nov 27, 2008 5:39 pm

Ventrilo ? Don't no much about it.
But Teamspeak : yes.

Integrating it in WoWRoster, why not, but I consider this more as a CMS thing.
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Just click on the thing - even a user history is available. Check this out for info about how your TS server can be made "visual".

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TeamSpeak for Roster 2

Postby AnthonyB » Sat Nov 29, 2008 1:21 pm

Hmmm... that is very cool.

Now, is there a way of embedding the banners it generates into Roster so it would appear somewhere on the main page?
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Re: TeamSpeak for Roster 2

Postby mdeshane » Sun Aug 30, 2009 1:09 am

GuildSpeak is nearing completion. All I really have left to do is setup the templates for Ventrilo servers and make a few enhancements to the TeamSpeak templates. Also the standard localizations from english. I should have a copy posted to the SVN shortly and then I'll be releasing the beta shortly after that.

For those of you wondering what GuildSpeak does, it is a Roster v2 addon to show the status of a TeamSpeak server or a Ventrilo server. From that screen users will have the ability to connect directly to the server (There will be a setting to turn this off) as well as veiwing online users and available channels.
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Re: TeamSpeak for Roster 2

Postby AnthonyB » Fri Sep 04, 2009 12:16 pm

mdeshane wrote:For those of you wondering what GuildSpeak does, it is a Roster v2 addon to show the status of a TeamSpeak server or a Ventrilo server. From that screen users will have the ability to connect directly to the server (There will be a setting to turn this off) as well as veiwing online users and available channels.

That sounds awesome! Let me know if you need beta testing done as I host both TS and Vent servers on my box and can easily test. If you upload source into SVN then I can easily keep up with builds as you do them.
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Re: TeamSpeak for Roster 2

Postby mdeshane » Sat Sep 05, 2009 10:40 pm

Just submitted the recent version I've been working on to the SVN. It is under GuildSpeak not TeamSpeak as it supports both Vent and TS. AnthonyB I would love if you could test the crap out of this. I'm sure it still has bugs here and there especially in the templating. Also, I've been working on adding to the template engine. I submit the WHILE tag:
Code: Select all
<!-- WHILE ispgroup_nav.NUM_LINK <= ispgroup_nav.PAGE_LINKS -->
      <!-- IF ispgroup_nav.PAGE == ispgroup_nav.NUM_LINK -->
      <!-- ENDIF -->
      <a href="groups.php?page={ispgroup_nav.NUM_LINK}">{ispgroup_nav.NUM_LINK}</a>
      <!-- IF ispgroup_nav.PAGE == ispgroup_nav.NUM_LINK -->
      <!-- ENDIF -->
      <!-- IF ispgroup_nav.NUM_LINK != ispgroup_nav.PAGE_LINKS -->
      <!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- ENDWHILE -->

It's basically the IF tag without the ELSEIF part and while instead of if on the php replacement code. Still being tested though, if I get it working right I'll post the changes for the template_enc.php file. Anyway, the changelog for GuildSpeak is below:

GuildSpeak v1.9.9.6 [SVN]469:
- First Commit

- Working
-- Addon installer
-- Admin Settings
-- Standard TeamSpeak display
-- Basic Ventrilo display

- Broken
-- TeamSpeak group display (currently hangs, need to re-write php and templating)
-- Any kind of templating fo Ventrilo

- Not Implemented Yet
-- Search functions
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Re: TeamSpeak for Roster 2

Postby zanix » Sun Sep 06, 2009 7:12 am

This this anything like the BEGIN loop?
Code: Select all
<!-- BEGIN key -->
<!-- END key -->
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Re: TeamSpeak for Roster 2

Postby PleegWat » Sun Sep 06, 2009 11:13 am

zanix wrote:This this anything like the BEGIN loop?

I think he's using this construct to create pagination without adding a block for each iteration. The 'right way' to do this is constructing the list of pages in PHP code, then using BEGIN/END to loop over that list in template code.

It's not currently possible to loop over something other than a block, or get any access to the loop variable. It is possible to loop over part of a block, for example:

Code: Select all
<!-- BEGIN cell(0,0) -->
                        <td class="membersRowCell" style="padding-left:20px;">
<!-- END -->
<!-- BEGIN cell(1) -->
                        <td class="membersRowCell">
<!-- END cell -->

Will only add the padding to the first member of 'cell'.

It doesn't look like it's currently possible to access the array iterator, but that should be addable.

The above would be more readable if there was a <!-- IF cell == 0 --> construct.
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Re: TeamSpeak for Roster 2

Postby AnthonyB » Mon Sep 07, 2009 9:01 am

Any chance we could get a Guildspeak forum created under Board index ‹ WoWRoster Feedback/Support ‹ AddOns and Mods so all this stuff stuff, and the barrage of beta testing I'll be doing :) is capture somewhere appropriate?

I've already got feedback such as the Menu button defaults to be in the utils bar (I feel it should be in the Guild section) and the installer not working...
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Re: TeamSpeak for Roster 2

Postby zanix » Mon Sep 07, 2009 9:55 am

I think this should be renamed to GuildSpeak since this is the only post in this forum
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Re: TeamSpeak/Ventrilo for Roster 2

Postby AnthonyB » Mon Sep 07, 2009 12:13 pm

even easier :)

Thanks Zanix!
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Re: TeamSpeak/Ventrilo for Roster 2

Postby mdeshane » Sat Sep 12, 2009 5:39 am

Just upped a better working version. Well, more of an actually working version. I had to write a fun chunk of code to parse the string from the new vent stat script. I'm not sure how well the parsing will handle multiple clients, as I could only connect myself. And if any devs who are handy with string parsing can help with some cleaner methods of cleaning and storing the data, the input would be much appreciated. Anyway, changelog's below, you know where to post comments, help and errors.

GuildSpeak v1.9.9.7 [SVN]470:
- Fixed
-- webpost.php for integration with WoWRoster
-- inc/db_inc.php fixed numerous $row variables and detail display functions
-- inc/install.lib.php fixed guildspeak_ts_listips to use radio{Yes^1|No^0 form and default 0

- Added
-- Status Mode for Ventrilo Servers, allows you to switch from ventrilo_status method and a PHP fsockopen method
-- inc/ an fsockopen method of retrieving vent status
-- Vent setting to switch between status methods

- Changed
-- index.php added display and string parsing for the vent fsockopen method

- Still Broken
-- TeamSpeak group display (currently hangs, need to re-write php and templating)
-- Any kind of templating fo Ventrilo

- Still Not Implemented Yet
-- Search functions
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