Guild Vault not uploading data

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Re: Guild Vault not uploading data

Postby Obituario » Thu Mar 01, 2012 11:37 pm

Hey thanks for the answers and the heads up with the update.

The bad new is that I still get the same error and the vault content does not updates, except if I delete the file wowroster. Follows:

Code: Select all
Parsing files
Parsed wowroster in 0.27 seconds

Processing Files
Could not find Guild. WoWRoster-GuildProfiler Addon not installed correctly?
Updating Guild Data for [El Priorato de Sion@US-Ragnaros]
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Items : Tab2 : Tab1
Log : Tab2 : Money : Tab1

Updating Character Data for [Obituario@US-Ragnaros]
About to update player
Updating Equipment ..................
No Inventory Data
Updating Bank : Bag5 : Bag4 : Bag0 : Bag1 : Bag2 : Bag7 : Bag3 : Bag6
No New Mail
Updating Skills ......
Updating Professions : Jewelcrafting : Blacksmithing : First Aid : Cooking
Updating Spellbook : Frost : General : Unholy : All - Guild Perks : Blood
Updating Glyphs ..................
Updating Talents : 0-Unholy : 0-Frost : 0-Blood : 1-Unholy : 1-Frost : 1-Blood
Updating Reputation ........................................................
Updating Currency .........
Updating Quests: 5
Updating Buffs: 4
Updating Companions

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Re: Guild Vault not uploading data

Postby Ulminia » Fri Mar 02, 2012 3:40 am

Items : Tab2 : Tab1
Log : Tab2 : Money : Tab1

is in your log that means the updater has issued some update to the database check your mysql admin on your server and look and see if there are any items in the items table marked vault or Tab1
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Re: Guild Vault not uploading data

Postby Obituario » Fri Mar 02, 2012 2:14 pm


I didnt wuite got the question but I did check the DB and I have this table called _addons_vault_items in which I have the items as rows and one of the colums inmdicates the tab. I have items in both tabs.

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Re: Guild Vault not uploading data

Postby Ulminia » Fri Mar 02, 2012 5:06 pm

then it looks like its working :)
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Re: Guild Vault not uploading data

Postby Obituario » Fri Mar 02, 2012 5:27 pm

It does, however the roster do not update and I get the error. I had to delete the file .lua and do it again to have it updated. Its not a big issue, but maybe theres something that can be done.
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Re: Guild Vault not uploading data

Postby Ulminia » Fri Mar 02, 2012 11:27 pm

Could not find Guild. WoWRoster-GuildProfiler Addon not installed correctly?
Updating Guild Data for [El Priorato de Sion@US-Ragnaros]

this is a weard error i cant seem to get rid of ial look more into it
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Re: Guild Vault not uploading data

Postby zanix » Sun Mar 04, 2012 12:49 am

That error was meant to be displayed if you are logged in as admin and the update process did not see guild data.
It's a hold over from older roster versions and it's probably not important anymore.
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Re: Guild Vault not uploading data

Postby tuigii » Mon Apr 23, 2012 12:11 pm

Hi there - long time so see :P

It seems to me that this variable is used
in and WoWRoster-guildProfiler[svn85].zip
in function wowrostergp.ScanGuildBankTab(tab)

Or: this variable is unknown when running wowrosterGuildprofiler - an LUA error pops up when scanning the Guild bank.

I know (Google did) that it exists here: ... BankUI.lua - first line.
But: Are our wowroster ... addons using this declaration ? It seems to me that MAX_GUILDBANK_SLOTS_PER_TAB should be defined locally.

For now, I hard-coded "MAX_GUILDBANK_SLOTS_PER_TAB" as "98", and the WoWRosterguild_profiler is up again.

Another question: downloads/?id=142
WoWRoster-Profiler[svn85].zip is running ok. isn't.
What is preferred : running the [svn85] versions, or not ?
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Re: Guild Vault not uploading data

Postby Ulminia » Mon Apr 23, 2012 12:35 pm

svn 85 is the latest i think
and i use "for idx=1, MAX_GUILDBANK_SLOTS_PER_TAB do"
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Re: Guild Vault not uploading data

Postby tuigii » Mon Apr 23, 2012 6:17 pm

Ok, thanks, that's what I understood.

For testing:
I added to
C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\wowrostergp\Core.lua
(So, this is the GuildProfiler)
these lines on line position 52:
Code: Select all
   wowrostergp:Print("debug: this is a value that is defined MAX_GUILDBANK_TABS, it is: |cffff3399["..MAX_GUILDBANK_TABS.."]|r");
   wowrostergp:Print("debug: MAX_GUILDBANK_SLOTS_PER_TAB is: |cffff3399["..MAX_GUILDBANK_SLOTS_PER_TAB.."]|r");
and guess what:
MAX_GUILDBANK_TABS is printed as .... bla bla bla is: [8] - because our Guild has 8 bank tabs. That's OK.
From what I understood, MAX_GUILDBANK_TABS is another predefined value.
The next line, which should mention the value of MAX_GUILDBANK_SLOTS_PER_TAB, shows a LUA error telling that it "can't concate a nill value".

So, I presume your WoW setup enUS is different as frFR.

PS: do you use this: ... -addon-kit ?
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Re: Guild Vault not uploading data

Postby Ulminia » Mon Apr 23, 2012 7:31 pm

yea i has those lol ial be doing more work on WoWr-P when MoP goes live ial see about some fixes for now tho
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