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'''Function Overview'''<br/>
Moved to [[Roster:FunctionsOverview]]
Overview over all functions in the Roster that can be used by Addon Developers.<br/>
Latest changes
*Nefuh | 05.02.2008 03:07 | Created document
<br />
=Global functions=
These function are located in functions.lib.php
Parameters: $style, $mode, $header_txt, $width<br/>
Starts or ends fancy bodering containers<br/>
*@param string $style What bordering style to use
*@param string $mode ( start | end )
*@param string $header_text Place text in a styled header (default ''null'')
*@param string $width Set a fixed width for the box
*@return string
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: $var, $content<br/>
Makes a tootip and places it into the tooltip array<br/>
*@param string $var
*@param string $content
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: none<br/>
Gathers all tootips and places them into javascript variables<br/>
*@param array $tooltipArray
*@return string Tooltips placed in javascript variables
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: $sql<br/>
Highlight certain keywords in a SQL query<br/>
*@param string $sql Query string
*@return string Highlighted string
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: $text, $title, $file, $line, $sql<br/>
Clean replacement for die(), outputs a message with debugging info if needed and ends output<br/>
*@param string $text Text to display on error page
*@param string $title Title to place on web page (default Message)
*@param string $file Filename to display
*@param string $line Line in file to display
*@param string $sql Any SQL text to display
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: $message, $title, $style<br/>
Draw a message box with the specified border color, then die cleanly<br/>
*@param string $message | The message to display inside the box
*@param string $title | The box title (default Message )
*@param string $style | The border style (default sred)
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: $text, $title, $file, $line, $sql<br/>
Print a roster-ajax XML error message<br/>
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: none<br/>
Print a debug backtrace. This works in PHP4.3.x+, there is an integrated function for this starting PHP5 but I prefer always having the same layout.<br/>
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: $string<br/>
This will remove HTML tags, javascript sections and white space. It will also convert some common HTML entities to their text equivalent<br/>
*@param string $file
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: $filename<br/>
This will check if the given Filename is an image<br/>
*@param imagefile $file
*@return mixed The extentsion if the filetype is an image, false if it is not
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: $tooltip, $caption_color, $locale, $inline_caption<br/>
Tooltip colorizer function with string cleaning. Use only with [[#makeOverlib]]<br/>
*@param string $tooltip | Tooltip as a string (delimited by "\n" character)
*@param string $caption_color | (optional) Color for the caption
*Default is <nowiki>'ffffff'</nowiki> - white
*@param string $locale | (optional) Locale so color parser can work correctly
*Default is $roster->config[<nowiki>'locale'</nowiki>]
*@param bool $inline_caption | (optional) (default 1)
*Default is true
*@return string | Formatted tooltip
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: $tooltip, $caption_color, $inline_caption<br/>
Cleans up the tooltip and parses an inline_caption if needed. Use only with [[#makeOverlib]]<br/>
*@param string $tooltip | Tooltip as a string (delimited by "\n" character)
*@param string $caption_color | (optional) Color for the caption
*Default is <nowiki>'ffffff'</nowiki> - white
*@param bool $inline_caption | (optional) (default 1)
*Default is true
*@return string | Formatted tooltip
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: $tooltip, $caption, $caption_color, $mode, $locale, $extra_parameters<br/>
Easy all in one function to make overlib tooltips. Creates a string for insertion into any html tag that has "onmouseover" and "onmouseout" events<br/>
*@param string $tooltip | Tooltip as a string (delimited by "\n" character)
*@param string $caption | (optional) Text to set as a true OverLib caption
*@param string $caption_color | (optional) Color for the caption
*Default is <nowiki>'ffffff'</nowiki> - white
*@param bool $mode| (optional) Options 0=colorize,1=clean,2=pass through (default 0)
*Default 0 (colorize)
*@param string $locale | Locale so color parser can work correctly
*Only needed when $colorize is true
*Default is $roster->config<nowiki>['locale']</nowiki>
*@param string $extra_parameters | (optional) Extra OverLib parameters you wish to pass
*@param string $item_id
*@return unknown
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: $message, $title, $style, $width<br/>
Draw a message box with the specified border color.<br/>
*@param string $message | The message to display inside the box
*@param string $title | The box title (default message)
*@param string $style | The border style (default sgray)
*@param string $width | Set a fixed width
*@return string $html | The HTML for the messagebox
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: $message, $title, $style, $width, $height<br/>
Draw a 300x550px scrolling messagebox with the specified border color.<br/>
*@param string $message | The message to display inside the box
*@param string $title | The box title (default message)
*@param string $style | The border style (default sgray)
*@param string $width | Initial width with unit (default 550px)
*@param string $height | Initial height with unit (default 300px)
*@return string $html | The HTML for the messagebox
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: $message, $title, $style, $open, $width<br/>
Draw a message box with the specified border color.<br/>
*@param string $message | The message to display inside the box
*@param string $title | The box title
*@param string $style | The border style (default sgray)
*@param boolean $open | True if initially open (default false)
*@param string $width | Initial width with unit (default 550px)
*@return string $html | The HTML for the messagebox
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: $message, $title, $style, $open, $width, $height<br/>
Draw a 300x550px scrolling messagebox with the specified border color.<br/>
*@param string $messages | The message to display inside the box
*@param string $title | The box title (default message)
*@param string $style | The border style (default sgray)
*@param string $width | Initial width with unit (default 550px)
*@param string $height | Initial height with unit (default 300px)
*@return string $html | The HTML for the messagebox
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: $array<br/>
Recursively escape $array<br/>
*@param array $array | The array to escape
*@return array | The same array, escaped
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: $array<br/>
Recursively stripslash $array<br/>
*@param array $array | The array to escape
*@return array | The same array, escaped
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: $datetime, $offset<br/>
Converts a datetime field into a readable date<br/>
*@param string $datetime | datetime field data in DB
*@param string $offset | Offset in hours to calcuate time returned
*@return string | formatted date string
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: $filename<br/>
Gets a file's extention passed as a string<br/>
*@param string $filename
*@return string
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: $seconds<br/>
Converts seconds to a string delimited by time values. Will show w,d,h,m,s<br/>
*@param string $seconds
*@return string
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: $addonname<br/>
Sets up addon data for use in the addon framework<br/>
*@param string $addonname | The name of the addon
*@return array $addon  | The addon's database record
*@global array $addon_conf | The addon's config data is added to this global array.
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: $name<br/>
Check to see if an addon is active or not<br/>
*@param string $name | Addon basename
*@return bool
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: $url, $timeout, $user_agent, $loopcount<br/>
Handles retrieving the contents of a URL trying multiple methods. Current methods are curl, file_get_contents, fsockopen and will try each in that order<br/>
*@param string $url | URL to retrieve
*@param int $timeout | Timeout for curl, socket connection timeout for fsock (default 5)
*@param  string $user_agent | Useragent to use for connection (default false)
*@param int $loopcount | (default 0)
*@return mixed | False on error, contents on success
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: none<br/>
Stupid function to create an REQUEST_URI for IIS 5 servers<br/>
*@return string
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: $filename, &$content, $mode<br/>
Attempts to write a file to the file system<br/>
*@param string $filename | Name of the file
*@param string $content | Content of the file
*@param string $mode | (default wb)
*@return bool
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: $file<br/>
No Description<br/>
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: $arr, $tab<br/>
Debugging function dumps arrays/object formatted. Do Not call this, call [[#aprint|aprint()]]<br/>
*@param array $arr
*@param int $tab | (default 1)
*@return string
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: $arr, $prefix, $return<br/>
Debugging function dumps arrays/object formatted<br/>
*@param array $arr
*@param string $prefix
*@return string | (default false)
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: $socket_color, $locale<br/>
Helper function that returns the localized gem color in english<br/>
*@param string $socket_color
*@return string $color
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: none<br/>
No Description<br/>
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: $skel, $arr<br/>
A better array_merge()<br/>
*@param array $skel
*@param array $arr
*@return array
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: $addon<br/>
Checks an addon download id on the rss feed. And informs if there is an update.<br/>
*@param string $name | name of the download
*@param string $url | url
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: none<br/>
Dummy function. For when you need a callback that doesn't do anything.<br/>
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: $url, $full<br/>
Function to create links in Roster. ALL LINKS SHOULD PASS THROUGH THIS FUNCTION. Hopefully this function will be the magic that makes porting Roster easier (Ninja looted from DragonFly, thanks you guys!).<br/>
*@param string $url | (Example: <nowiki>'</nowiki>util-news-comment&amp;id=<nowiki>'</nowiki>.$news_id)
*@param bool $full | (default false)
*@return string
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
The following functions can be used to operate on database
Parameters: none<br/>
Get last SQL error<br/>
*@return string last SQL error
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Get last SQL errno<br/>
*@return string last SQL errno
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: $query<br/>
Basic query function<br/>
*@param $query Query string
*@return mixed Query ID / Error string / Bool
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: $query<br />
Return the first record (single column) in a query result<br/>
*@param $query Query string
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: $query, $array<br/>
Build query<br/>
*@param $query
*@param $array Array of field => value pairs (default false)
*@return $query | Returns the builded query
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: $query_id, $result_type<br/>
Fetch one record<br/>
*@param $query_id | Query ID (default 0)
*@param $result_type | SQL_ASSOC, SQL_NUM, or SQL_BOTH (default SQL_BOTH)
*@return mixed Record / false
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: $query_id, $result_type<br/>
Fetch all records<br/>
*@param $query_id | Query ID (default 0)
*@param $result_type | SQL_ASSOC, SQL_NUM, or SQL_BOTH
*@return mixed Record Set / false
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: $query_id, $row, $field<br/>
Get result data<br/>
*@param $query_id | Query ID (default 0)
*@param $row | The row number from the result that's being retrieved. Row numbers start at 0
*@param $field | The name or offset of the field being retrieved
*@return mixed Record / false
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: $query_id<br/>
Find the number of returned rows<br/>
*@param $query_id | Query ID (default 0)
*@return mixed Number of rows / false
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: $query_id<br/>
Finds out the number of rows affected by a query<br/>
*@param $query_id | Query ID (default 0)
*@return mixed Affected Rows / false
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: none<br/>
Find the ID of the row that was just inserted<br/>
*@return mixed Last ID / false
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: $query_id<br/>
Free result data<br/>
*@param $query_id | Query ID (default 0)
*@return bool
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: $string<br/>
Remove quote escape<br/>
*@param $string
*@return string
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: $setting<br/>
Set the error_die var<br/>
@param $setting<br/>
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]
Parameters: $table, $addon<br/>
Expand base table name to a full table name<br/>
*@param string $table | the base table name
*@param string $addon | the name of the addon, empty for a base roster table
*@return string | tablename as fit for MySQL queries
<br/>[[#Global functions|Top]]

Latest revision as of 04:20, 6 February 2008

Important note: When you edit this page, you agree to release your contribution into the public domain.
If you do not want this or can not do this because of license restrictions, please do not edit.


Moved to Roster:FunctionsOverview

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